Tips for Training Your Dog to Walk on a Leash

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Tips for Training Your Dog to Walk on a Leash

Putting your dog on a leash gives you full control of their movements and how far they can go. However, things go wrong when we don't follow the crucial steps of training our dog to walk properly on a leash. Many things need to be considered when giving your dog leash training. Some tips can help you to speed up the process while keeping your dog's health and safety in mind. While not all techniques work for every dog, we’re here to provide a few tips for training your dog to walk on a leash. Keep reading to learn more!

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Is it necessary to leash train your dog?

There are many reasons why it's a must to use a collar and a leash on your pup. Here are some of the most important things to consider:

1. Leash Training Keeps Your Pup Safe

Keeping your dog on a leash gives you control over them and creates a safe space for your puppy, even on road trips to a new place. Moreover, you don't want your pup to run in front of a vehicle and get injured.

A leash gives you control over how much freedom they get while walking. Also, if your dog does not do well with other animals, the leash in your hand will prevent any unfortunate events. Leashes will also prevent shameful events such as your dog pooping on a sidewalk or a place where they shouldn't.

2. Leashes Help Your Pup Know Their Boundaries

Leashes can help your dog understand that you are there to guide them and give direction. This habit will change your life with your puppy in the best way when it comes to training. You want your dog to stay when you don't move and walk when you are walking.

3. Leashes Keep Your Dog at Your Side

According to the American Humane Association, 10 million dogs get lost each year. If unleashed, there is always a risk that the dog will run away while the pet parent takes their canine out to walk. That's why leashes can keep your dog safe and sound at your side.

4. Leashes Keep Your Pup Focused During Walks

For the elderly or people with a disability, keeping big dogs on a leash can make things easier. Making the situation hassle-free with a leash can give you the best time and make your dog behave like the best dog. If needed, or if the dog is distracted, a gentle leash command can get their attention right back to you.

How to Leash Train Your Dog

Here are a few tips to use when first starting the leash training process with your dog!

1. Choose the Right Leash

There are a few things to consider when selecting a leash for your dog. The first consideration is the material. Leather leashes are strong and long-lasting, but they can be heavy and stiff. A nylon leash is light and comfortable, but it may not be as strong as leather leashes.

The length of the leash is the second factor to consider. A short leash is useful for keeping your dog close by, whereas a long leash allows your dog more freedom to explore.

The clasp is the last thing to think about. A trigger snap clip-style clasp is more convenient to use, whereas a snap-style clasp is more secure. Man-made fiber is also a good option but can get chewed on by your mischievous puppy.

Also, consider buying breed-specific dog leashes. While leash materials matter, you have to consider if you're buying the leash for a large dog, a small puppy, or multiple dogs.

2. Adding a Harness May Help

Traditional leashes are the most common and least expensive option, but harnesses are also available. The best leash for your dog is determined by his personality and walking habits.

If your dog pulls on the leash, a harness might be a good option because it distributes the force evenly across his body and keeps him from choking. Day by day, with training, your dog will stop pulling on the leash.

3. Keep a Pouch Full of Goodies

Most dogs are foodies, and when it comes to your dog's walk, treats can help make the process a whole lot easier. If you keep a pouch of treats with you, you can give your dog a little snack every time he or she does something good, like walking calmly by your side or staying in position while you stop to chat with a neighbor. This positive reinforcement will help your pup learn the ropes of dog walking quickly and easily – and it'll make the experience more enjoyable for both of you!

4. Use Consistent Commands When Training

It’s important to train your dog using consistent commands in order to make him or her walk easy. Commands can help you control your dog and keep him or her safe while on a walk. Some basic commands that every dog should know are "sit," "stay," "come," and "heel." If you can train your dog to obey these commands, it will make walks much easier.

In addition to basic obedience commands, it is also important to teach your dog specific commands for moving. These might include "forward," "backward," "left turn," and "right turn." Teaching your dog these specific commands will help them understand what you want them to do while on a walk.

If you are consistent with training your dog basic obedience and specific walking commands, it will make life much easier for you and your pet.

5. Use a Gentle Leader

When you're out with your dog, the last thing you want to worry about is whether he or she is going to pull on the leash. With the gentle leader, though, you can easily put an end to that problem. This device fits comfortably around your dog's head and gently applies pressure when he or she pulls on the leash.

This type of leash can make walks much easier for you and your pet. Dogs often pull on leashes because they're excited or trying to get somewhere fast. The gentle leader helps teach them that there's no need to pull since they'll get where they're going just as quickly by walking calmly next to you.

If your dog has a history of pulling, or if you simply want to make walks more pleasant for both of you, consider using a gentle leader.

6. Go for a Walk Everyday

Daily walks make walking your dog easier. Not only does this help to get your dog some exercise, but it also helps them to become better behaved and socialized. In addition, it can help to build a stronger bond between you and your pet. By going for a walk every day, you will both be getting the physical activity you need while spending quality time together.

Dogs are our best friends and keeping them safe and happy is our responsibility. Thank you for checking out these tips for training your dog on a leash. Try implementing one of these at a time in your routine. We are sure that you will see the results.

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Puppy Training Toolbox

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Crate Training Your Dog or Puppy

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Published: 3/11/2022

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