1. Drug Name:
2. Brand Names:
Kaopectate, Kaopectolin, Kao-Pect, Kao-Pront, Kaogel
3. How Dispensed:
Over the counter
Oral liquid (3gr/mL, 1gr/5mL)
5. Drug Type/Class:
6. Uses in Dogs and Cats:
Diarrhea, stomach upset, nausea, and certain toxicities
7. How it Works:
Kaolin absorbs water, toxins, and bacteria, contributing to firmer stools and reducing fluid loss from diarrhea. Pectin decreases the pH in the intestinal lumen and binds to bacteria and toxins in the intestinal mucosa, providing a soothing effect.
8. Side Effects and/or Signs of Overdose:
Side effects include constipation and abdominal pain. Signs of overdose may include fever, lethargy, anorexia, and fecal impaction
9. Drug Interactions:
Clindamycin, Digoxin, Lincomycin, Penicillamine, and Trimethoprim-Sulfa
10. Cautionary Statements:
- Never give your pet Kaopectate without the approval of your veterinarian.
- Over the counter versions of Kaopectate may replace the Kaolin/Pectin formulation with Bismuth salicylate. This formulation is not safe for use in cats.
- Do not use to control severe diarrhea or diarrhea that is caused by an infection.
- Use cautiously in very old, very young, or debilitated patients.
- Use cautiously in pets who are pregnant or nursing.
- Although Kaopectate side effects usually resolve after 24 hours, side effects may persist longer in patients with liver or kidney disease.
Read more:
Diarrhea in Cats 101
Everything You Need to Know About Diarrhea in Dogs
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