
Articles, questions and guides on pet care.

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) in Dogs

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) in Dogs

High blood pressure (also called hypertension) is an abnormal increase in blood pressure. A dog is said to be hypertensive when systolic blood pressure (SBP) exceeds 160 mmHg. The symptoms exhibited…

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Splenectomy: What happens when your dog’s spleen is removed?

Splenectomy: What happens when your dog’s spleen is removed?

The spleen is one of the lesser-known organs in the body. Not everyone knows what the spleen does, let alone that they exist in a dog’s body. And though the organ performs important functions in…

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Gallbladder Disease in Dogs

Gallbladder Disease in Dogs

One of the important gastrointestinal (GI) organs in dogs is the liver and its counterpart, the gallbladder. It is responsible for many functions, including the digestion and absorption of fatty…

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Eye Injuries in Pets: Corneal Ulcers and Scratches

Eye Injuries in Pets: Corneal Ulcers and Scratches

Corneal injuries, including scratches, abrasions, and ulceration, are common injuries in dogs and cats. Regardless of the cause, all eye injuries should be addressed immediately to avoid serious…

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Why are my dog’s eyes red?

Why are my dog’s eyes red?

Like humans, dogs are prone to developing eye problems. Signs associated with most eye conditions often include redness of the eyes, usually accompanied by other symptoms such as excessive tear…

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7 Tips to Prepare for Your Pet’s First Vet Visit

7 Tips to Prepare for Your Pet’s First Vet Visit

The first visit to the vet can be nerve-wracking both for you and your pet. It’s only natural for them to be nervous. Your furry friend doesn’t understand the point of a veterinary visit. But you…

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Glaucoma in Dogs and Cats

Glaucoma in Dogs and Cats

Though different in the level of perception and sensitivity, the anatomy of a dog and a cat’s eye is pretty much similar to ours and is also prone to the same eye problems that affect us. These…

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Types of Skin Infections in Cats

Types of Skin Infections in Cats

In cats, skin problems are caused by a vast range of conditions, from allergies and physical injury to external parasites and infections. Skin infections comprise a big portion of reported…

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Heart Arrhythmias in Cats

Heart Arrhythmias in Cats

Arrhythmias refer to the abnormal beats of the heart which are caused by something that disrupts the normal sequence of events that take place in the heart. An arrhythmia may be detected by your vet…

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Canine Atopy Guide: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Dogs with Atopic Dermatitis

Canine Atopy Guide: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Dogs with Atopic Dermatitis

Has your itchy dog recently been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis (also called canine eczema or atopy)? Do you still have questions about what this diagnosis means and what to expect from…

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Common Rabbit Diseases and Symptoms

Common Rabbit Diseases and Symptoms

If you have a pet rabbit or are considering adopting one, it’s important to know how to care for them and prevent common types of illness and disease. This article will help you understand common…

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Caring for Elderly and Senior Pets: A Guide for Pet Parents

Caring for Elderly and Senior Pets: A Guide for Pet Parents

Just like humans, elderly and senior pets need special care. The age from which a pet is considered elderly depends upon multiple factors, such as breed, size, and health. Larger dogs age early as…

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Hot Spots on Cats

Hot Spots on Cats

Hot spots, also known as acute moist dermatitis, are skin sores characterized by hair loss, redness, and purulent oozing. These sores are often considered to be self-inflicted. They form when cats…

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Common Skin Problems in Cats

Common Skin Problems in Cats

It’s no fun having a cat that is uncomfortable, and skin diseases are a common cause of discomfort. The skin is the largest organ in the body and can respond in a handful of ways to numerous…

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Symptoms and Prevention of Chiggers in Dogs

Symptoms and Prevention of Chiggers in Dogs

Chiggers, scientific name Trombiculamites, are also called harvest mites, itch mites, scrub mites, and red bugs due to their red to bright orange color. While they don’t actually penetrate or burrow…

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How to Road Trip With Your Dog

How to Road Trip With Your Dog

Going on a road trip with a dog is not as easy as it sounds. The road-tripping experience can be a fun adventure both for you and your dog, but you need to know and prepare for challenges you might…

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Causes and Symptoms of Stress in Dogs

Causes and Symptoms of Stress in Dogs

Stress is the overwhelming feeling of pressure or tension, while anxiety is described as extreme nervousness and unease. In dogs, these two terms are often interchangeable as the two conditions…

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Causes and Symptoms of Stress in Cats

Causes and Symptoms of Stress in Cats

As anyone with a cat will know, every cat has their own distinct personality and individual likes and dislikes. The causes of stress are variable between cats, and the signs you may see in a…

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