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Speak to an equine vet on your smartphone

FirstVet will help you to determine if your horse needs an urgent vet visit, or if you can get help at home instead. Through a video call, you will receive advice and treatment recommendations, or a referral to your registered vet. Vet visits with us are free if you are insured with one of our partners.

✔️Free if you are insured with one of our pet insurance partners
✔️Advice and treatment recommendations, or local referral
✔️ Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Our equine vets

All our vets are experienced and UK registered. Here are some examples of what our vets can help you and your horse with:

✔️Injuries and accidents
✔️Lameness and gait abnormalities
✔️Itching and skin problems
✔️Eye and ear problems
✔️Rehabilitation and wellness
✔️Foals and youngsters

Regular prices

Price for a video call with a vet if your horse is not insured with one of our partners

Weekdays (09:00 - 18:00) - £24
Out of hours (evenings & weekends) - £36

We have over 500,000 satisfied customers, with 98.5% giving us a 5* rating.

Unlimited vet access with your pet insurance

4PawsCo-opCover My PetLifetime Pet CoverLVManyPetsnapoNCIPetgevitypetGuardPets in a PicklePETtracPitPatRevolutRSPCATractive Pet Cover


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