
Causes and Treatment for Coughing in Cats

Causes and Treatment for Coughing in Cats

Should you be worried if your cat is coughing? Continue reading to learn more about coughing in cats, including common causes, tests, and treatment options.

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Sneezing in Cats and Kittens

Sneezing in Cats and Kittens

There are many potential causes of sneezing in cats and kittens. The most common categories are upper respiratory infections, rhinitis or sinusitis, nasopharyngeal polyps, foreign bodies, parasites,…

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Your Complete Guide to Vomiting in Cats

Your Complete Guide to Vomiting in Cats

One of the most common health concerns for cat owners is vomiting. While it may be as simple as a hairball or an upset stomach, your cat’s vomiting could also be something more serious that requires…

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Help! My cat isn’t able to urinate. What should I do?

Help! My cat isn’t able to urinate. What should I do?

My cat is sitting in the litterbox trying to urinate, crying and not producing any urine. How can I help my cat? If your cat is unable to produce urine this is a medical emergency and your cat needs…

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Why does my cat have blood in his urine?

Why does my cat have blood in his urine?

Cystitis, or bladder inflammation, is a common and painful condition in cats that can cause bloody urine. If your cat has ever shown signs of pain when urinating or passed small amounts of urine in…

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Ear Mites in Cats

Ear Mites in Cats

Ear mites are a parasite of the ear that can affect both dogs and cats. They’re most common in young animals. Infection can occur in puppies and kittens as young as a few weeks old when the mites…

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Should I give my pet probiotics?

Should I give my pet probiotics?

Your vet might recommend giving your dog or cat probiotics for several reasons. Continue reading to learn more about how probiotics work and why we use them in our pets.

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How to Keep Your Cat Safe this Christmas

How to Keep Your Cat Safe this Christmas

Christmas is a busy and exciting time for many people and their pets. Unfortunately, this can also mean unexpected dangers for our feline family members. Let’s discuss some common hazards you may…

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FirstVet Q&A: Why do cats hate water?

FirstVet Q&A: Why do cats hate water?

Have you ever wanted to know why most cats seem to hate water? Our vets have the answer! Keep reading for the surprising answers…

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Separation Anxiety in Cats

Separation Anxiety in Cats

Does your cat start to pace anxiously when you get your keys/coat/shoes? Don’t fret, you aren’t the only one! Keep reading to learn about signs and treatments for separation anxiety in cats.

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Vitamin and Supplement Safety for Dogs and Cats

Vitamin and Supplement Safety for Dogs and Cats

If you take a daily vitamin or supplement, you might be wondering if your pet needs to take one too. Is it safe to give your pet the same vitamin that you take? Read more about the benefits, safety,…

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Food Allergies in Dogs and Cats

Food Allergies in Dogs and Cats

If your pet is itchy, you might be wondering if they have a food allergy. While true food allergies aren’t as common in pets as one might think, it’s still possible that your dog or cat’s food is…

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Joint Supplements for Pets

Joint Supplements for Pets

As old age creeps up, you may notice the first signs of mobility problems in your pet such as reduced activity, stiffness, limping, and (particularly cats) struggling to jump up onto furniture. The…

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Melatonin Safety and Uses in Pets

Melatonin Safety and Uses in Pets

Melatonin is an over the counter supplement often used by people to help them sleep. It is used in veterinary medicine for a variety of reasons in dogs, cats, and ferrets. Keep reading to find out…

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Can Dogs and Cats Eat Gingerbread Cookies?

Can Dogs and Cats Eat Gingerbread Cookies?

During the holidays, many of us enjoy baking to get into the spirit. Gingerbread cookies are a classic for Christmas, as well as gingerbread houses. Or maybe you’re not the baking type, and you…

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Can Rabbits Eat Needles from Christmas Trees? And Other Holiday Pet Concerns

Can Rabbits Eat Needles from Christmas Trees? And Other Holiday Pet Concerns

Rabbits are naturally curious animals who love to eat throughout the day. This can create some challenges with indoor bunnies during Christmas time. Let’s discuss what you can do to protect your…

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Are Poinsettia’s Really Toxic to Dogs and Cats?

Are Poinsettia’s Really Toxic to Dogs and Cats?

Poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima, are very common plants during the winter holiday season. New plants indoors and outdoors are tempting for our pets and many will ingest the leaves. Luckily, this…

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Poisonous Plants for Dogs and Cats: Cyclamen

Poisonous Plants for Dogs and Cats: Cyclamen

Cyclamen, also called Sowbread, are small, flowering plants often used in landscaping over the winter and spring seasons. They come with red, white, and pink flower varieties. Continue reading to…

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