Ask the vet - Dog

What is tonsillitis?

Vet at FirstVet answers:

Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils. Tonsils are two small, almond-shaped, structures located at the back of the throat. They contain lymph glands and play a part in the dog’s immune system. When the tonsils get inflamed they swell and can itch and cause discomfort

Symptoms of tonsillitis vary and can last for 24 hours or up to two weeks; the dog can become depressed, lose its appetite, start eating grass, shake its head and frequently clear its throat.

Tonsillitis is almost always secondary to another disease process such as gastritis, vomiting, kennel cough or dental disease. It is rarely caused by a direct bacterial infection. Treatment depends on the underlying cause – antibiotics are not commonly used. In extreme recurrent cases surgery is required when a cause can not be found and the tonsillitis can not be managed medically.


Last updated: 2019-04-04

Category: Dog

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