Ask the vet - Dog

My dog gets carsick. What can I do?

Vet at FirstVet answers:

Dogs can get carsick either because they feel nauseous, or because they are afraid to ride in the car. Dogs that fear car rides can shake or tremble, whinge, drool and vomit when they are in the car.

A prescription based medication can be used in dogs that suffer from severe nausea due to travel sickness. These medications do not work in dogs that are afraid of travelling by car. Instead, calming supplements such as Zylkene and Adaptil should be used. Take care to drive carefully and gently when your dog is with you. If your dog is kept in a cage make sure to make it accustomed to the cage at home before using the cage in the car. Some dogs tolerate dog safety belts in the back seat better than cages. It takes a little trial and error before you find out what works best for your dog.

If your dog is very afraid of the car you may need help from a behaviour specialist. 


Last updated: 2019-04-04

Category: Dog

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