Cats have fewer cones in their eyes so they see fewer colors. Blue and yellow colors are seen better than greens and reds that end up looking more like grey tones.
Cats can see 200 degrees where humans see 180 degrees.
The tapetum lucidum reflects light and causes the glowing effect to the eyes when a light is shined on them. This allows for better night/low light vision.
No wonder your cat isn’t that great at reading bedtime stories!
This is a major advantage when stalking and chasing prey.
Uveitis can have a variety of causes. Unlike dogs, diabetes mellitus rarely causes cataracts in cats.
This tissue produces tears and keeps the eye moist and protected. In senior cats, various types of cancer can develop on the third eyelid.
Causes of this inflammation can include cancer, fungal infections, bacterial infections, and viral infections most commonly.
If humans slow blink at a cat, they often repeat the blink. Studies have indicated this is a positive communication between cats and people.
Uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause the retinas to detach. High blood pressure is common in cats with kidney disease.
A Vet’s Advice: Eye Exams and Eye Care for Your Pets
Anatomy and Function of Your Pet’s Eyes
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