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Hyperthyroidism in Cats

Have you noticed that your cat’s appetite has increased yet she seems to be losing weight? Does your cat seem to be drinking and urinating more than usual? Or have you noticed your cat vomiting more…

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Cancer (Neoplasia) in Cats

In this article, you can learn more about the most common cancers seen in cats. We’ll discuss some of the causes or risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. We also provide help for living…

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Diarrhea in Cats 101

Many pet lovers have experienced caring for a cat with diarrhea. So don’t worry, you're not alone! Diarrhea is characterized by frequent passing of stools, often watery or containing mucus. Although…

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Causes of Limping in Cats

Is your cat limping? Is the leg swollen and he won’t put any weight on it? Has your cat stopped jumping up onto the bed? All of these scenarios indicate a lameness problem that can happen to cats of…

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Tooth Fractures in Cats

Accidents happen! Unfortunately, a cat can break a tooth quite easily. If this happens to your pet, it’s important to have a vet assess the tooth as soon as possible. Here’s why!

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My dog has Cushing’s disease. What does this mean?

Cushing’s disease, also known as hyperadrenocorticism, is a condition that develops in dogs and uncommonly, in cats too. Although this sounds like a complicated medical condition, in this article,…

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False Pregnancy in Cats

Do you have an adult unspayed female cat that you’re concerned may be experiencing a false pregnancy? While somewhat common in dogs, false pregnancies (also called pseudopregnancy or pseudocyesis)…

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Osteosarcoma in Dogs and Cats

Osteosarcoma is the most common form of bone tumor in dogs and cats. It’s more common in large breeds but can develop in any size dog. These tumors typically form on the long bones of the leg, but…

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What happens when my pet has their teeth cleaned?

Did your vet tell you that your pet needs a dental cleaning under anesthesia, with possible extractions? This is a common recommendation because dental disease is the number one disease diagnosed in…

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Changes to Expect in My Senior Cat

It may be normal for some cats to begin slowing down as early as 7 years of age. Other changes may be signs of more serious problems that need treatment. Read on to learn about expected health and…

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Lumps and Bumps on Dogs and Cats

Could my pet have an infection? Allergic reaction? Splinter? Tumor? The answer is YES to all of the above or something else… In this article, we’ll touch briefly on some causes of lumps and bumps or…

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COVID-19 Update: Keeping You and Your Pets Safe

There are definitely more questions than answers when it comes to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2), better known as the COVID-19 virus. COVID-19 has only just turned a year old.…

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A Rover By Any Other Name

Our study of 100 years of American animal records reveals how the nation has named its pets throughout recent history.

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The Importance of Kidney Health and Function in Dogs and Cats

Dogs and cats, like all mammals, have kidneys that perform many vital life functions. Keeping these organs healthy and recognizing early signs of disease can help your pet live a long, happy life.…

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How to Recognize and Treat Pancreatitis in Cats

Pancreatitis in cats can be a difficult disease to diagnose and treat. It can involve many parts of the digestive tract and mimic other diseases. Learn more about pancreatitis in cats, symptoms to…

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5 Interesting Facts About Your Cat’s Digestive System

Anyone who loves cats knows they’re a unique animal in many ways. But do you know what makes their digestive tract unique from other pets? Keep reading to find out!

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Dental and Oral Anatomy in Cats

Understanding the normal anatomy and appearance of your cat’s mouth can help you notice when something is abnormal. In this article, we’ll discuss the important structures in and around your cat’s…

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What is the pancreas and why is it important?

The pancreas is a long, flat organ that is located in the abdomen along the small intestines near the right, cranial (front) part of the abdomen. This little organ has big responsibilities in…

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