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Ear Infections in Rabbits

Rabbits are wonderful pets! They are smart, social, and friendly. Rabbits in the US are housed both indoors and outdoors. Depending on their living situation, there are various types of infections…

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Are ear mites contagious to humans or other animals?

The presence of ear mites in the ear canal of cats and dogs causes irritation and intense itching. These pesky parasites are also called ear canker mites or otodectic mites. They are very small and…

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Veterinary Virtual Care - FAQ

Veterinary virtual care may seem like a new concept, but it’s actually been around for many years. You may have heard the terms “telemedicine” or “teletriage” and wondered how they can be used to…

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What is Veterinary Telehealth?

Have you considered utilizing telemedicine as part of your pet’s health care? There are many options available to pet parents, and it’s important to understand what services you need - whether…

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Pet Euthanasia - Knowing When its Time and What to Expect

No one ever feels ready to say goodbye to a beloved pet - it’s often one of the most difficult things that you’ll face as a pet owner. Our pets are considered dear friends and members of the family,…

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Rabbit Nutrition: How to feed your pet rabbit

You decided to get a rabbit as a pet - great choice! The diet you feed your pet rabbit will have long term effects on their overall health, gut microflora, teeth, and behavior. Keep reading to learn…

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Holy Guacamole! Here’s what you need to know if your pet ate avocado

The avocado plant, Persea americana, is toxic to many animals, but in varying degrees. If your cat or dog ate an avocado or chewed on the plant, it’s important to know what to watch for. Let’s…

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Do Rabbits Make Good Pets?

Do rabbits make good pets? You bet they do! Rabbits are smart, quiet, most are small and can happily live in an apartment. They can live indoors or outdoors or a mix of both. Pet rabbits tend to…

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Winter Safety Tips for Rabbits

Rabbits housed outdoors often do very well in cold weather, but they need some extra care and modifications to the hutch. Rabbits do not hibernate, so they will maintain their normal routines and…

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Your Rabbit’s Guide to Safe and Dangerous Plants to Eat

Rabbits are so curious and love to taste new things. In the wild, they would learn what foods are safe and which ones are not from other older rabbits. However, our pets don’t have that advantage.…

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Can Rabbits Eat Needles from Christmas Trees? And Other Holiday Pet Concerns

Rabbits are naturally curious animals who love to eat throughout the day. This can create some challenges with indoor bunnies during Christmas time. Let’s discuss what you can do to protect your…

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The Benefits of Neutering Your Rabbit

Neuter is the medical term for removal of the reproductive organs in both male and female animals. Spaying specifically refers to females and castration specifically refers to males. Neutering your…

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Rabbit Pregnancy, Birth, and Baby Care

Rabbits are prolific breeders. If you have both males and females and they haven’t been neutered, they can start to reproduce at ages as young as 4 to 6 months! Keep reading to learn everything you…

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Skin Diseases in Rabbits

Rabbits can get a variety of skin conditions, ranging from fungal, viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections such as fleas and lice. Even a certain sexually transmitted disease can cause skin…

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Do rabbits need vaccines?

Preventing disease is much easier than curing it. If you own a dog or a cat, you know that regular vaccinations are recommended to keep them as healthy as possible. This involves a trip to the vet,…

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7 Important Things to Know about Rabbits

Thinking of adding a rabbit to your family? Or do you just want to learn a little more about rabbits in general? Here’s our list of 7 of the most important things you need to know about bunnies!

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Rabbit Dental Anatomy and Oral Health

Do you know how many teeth rabbits have? Do they have baby teeth that fall out like humans as they get older? Do you need to brush your rabbits’ teeth? Keep reading to learn the answers to these…

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Keeping Your Rabbit’s Digestive System Healthy

Rabbits are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants. They have a specialized gastrointestinal (GI) tract to accommodate that diet. Did you know rabbits can eat up to 30 times per day and ingest 2-8…

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