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Common Liver Diseases in Cats

Your cat’s liver is a vital organ that is sensitive to damage and disease. For this reason, it’s important to recognize early signs of illness in your cat so that he can be treated quickly. Continue…

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What You Need to Know About Your Pet’s Liver

The liver plays many important roles in your pet’s body. Without a functional liver, your dog or cat wouldn’t be able to properly digest food, filter toxins from the bloodstream, or regulate certain…

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Lymphoma in Cats

Lymphoma, also called lymphosarcoma or LSA, is a cancer of special cells called lymphocytes. Lymphoma is the most common cancer affecting cats and can occur in nearly any part of the body. Early…

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The Cat Digestive System: Anatomy and Functions

A cat’s digestive system is similar to humans and dogs in that it regulates the absorption of nutrients and elimination of wastes. However, because cats are strictly carnivores, it's important to…

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Megacolon in Cats

Megacolon in cats happens when the large intestines become distended, leading to constipation or obstipation. Cats that develop megacolon have a large amount of hard stool in their large intestines…

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Anatomy and Function of Your Pet’s Eyes

Dogs’ and cats' eyes work similarly to our eyes and can develop similar eye problems like cataracts, glaucoma, and more. Read on to learn some fun and interesting facts about the anatomy of the eye,…

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Feline Leukemia Virus

Feline Leukemia Virus, or FeLV, is a retrovirus that infects felines only (domestic cats and some wild felids like cheetahs and the Florida panther). Feline Leukemia is the most common infectious…

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Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, or FIV, is a retrovirus that infects felines only (it cannot spread to people, dogs or other animals). FIV is found around the world but is not as prevalent as the…

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Safety Considerations for Indoor and Outdoor Cats

Does it have to be one or the other? Can our cats have both? Continue reading to learn more about indoor vs. outdoor cats, feline behavior, safety, and how to provide enrichment for your cat.

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Common Worms and Parasites Found in Cats

Although adult cats may not always show signs of illness when infected with internal parasites (worms and protozoa), if your feline family member is dealing with unexplained weight loss, chronic…

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How to Protect Your Cat from Ticks

Ticks are common parasites found on dogs, and dog owners are often familiar with the need to use tick prevention products, especially in the summer. But did you know that cats can also be affected…

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Treating and Preventing Abscesses in Cats

Cats tend to develop abscesses in the skin or under the skin more commonly than dogs. This is because when cats fight, they introduce bacteria deeper with their sharp claws and teeth. The skin…

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Tips for Preparing Your Cat for International Travel

Planning an international trip or move with your cat? Anticipating international travel is exciting, but it can also be a busy and stressful time. Planning ahead and preparing your cat is essential…

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Miliary Dermatitis in Cats

Miliary dermatitis is a term for small, scab-like sores on the skin of cats. Since cats tend to have a thick coat of fur, you may not initially see the scabs, but you can feel them when petting your…

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Toxoplasmosis in Cats

You may have heard that doctors advise women, considering pregnancy or who become pregnant, to get rid of their cat(s) or have their partner clean the litter box(es) for the duration of their…

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Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) in Dogs and Cats

The pancreas is an organ that has many functions, including producing enzymes to help digest food from what is called the ‘exocrine’ portion of the pancreas (there is also an ‘endocrine’ portion).…

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Snail Bait Poisoning in Pets

You are familiar with the saying “April showers bring May flowers”, right? While all the spring moisture helps our gardens and lawns grow and bloom after the winter weather, it also brings out the…

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Protecting Your Cat from Feline Distemper

Feline distemper is caused by a virus called panleukopenia, which is actually a parvovirus. Panleukopenia variants are present around the world and can also infect lions, tigers, lynx, minks, and…

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