
What causes hair loss in cats?

What causes hair loss in cats?

Abnormal hair loss, medically known as alopecia, is a common dermatological problem in cats. The extent of hair loss varies depending on the cause and severity of the condition. Some conditions…

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Summer Dangers for Cats

Summer Dangers for Cats

Summer often means spending more time outside. However, for outdoor cats, this can pose several risks. In this article, you can read about some of these summer dangers, how to prevent them, and what…

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Food Allergies in Dogs and Cats

Food Allergies in Dogs and Cats

If your pet is itchy, you might be wondering if they have a food allergy. While true food allergies aren’t as common in pets as one might think, it’s still possible that your dog or cat’s food is…

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Ear Mites in Cats

Ear Mites in Cats

Ear mites are a parasite of the ear that can affect both dogs and cats. They’re most common in young animals. Infection can occur in puppies and kittens as young as a few weeks old when the mites…

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Examining and Caring for Your Pet’s Ears

Examining and Caring for Your Pet’s Ears

Have you ever wondered why your pet can hear sounds that you can’t? It’s true that dogs and cats have much more sensitive hearing than we do. Keep reading to learn more about your pet’s ears, how…

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How to Protect Your Cat from Fleas

How to Protect Your Cat from Fleas

Fleas are the most common external parasite seen on cats. If your cat is scratching more than normal, has hair loss around his lower back/tail area, or has tiny black dots that look like pepper in…

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Microchip FAQ: Everything you need to know about microchipping your pet

Microchip FAQ: Everything you need to know about microchipping your pet

For more than 30 years veterinarians have been suggesting putting a microchip in your pet. But what actually are these microchips? Are they safe? And what is the purpose of doing something that…

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Fur Mowing (Overgrooming) in Cats

Fur Mowing (Overgrooming) in Cats

Although cats are often referred to as being “curious,” the overwhelming majority of them do not tolerate stress or change in any shape or form. Stress can cause cats to do all sorts of things such…

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Sarcoptic Mange (Scabies) in Dogs

Sarcoptic Mange (Scabies) in Dogs

Sarcoptic mange, also called scabies, is a highly contagious skin disease that affects dogs. The disease is caused by the tiny, microscopic (meaning they cannot be seen with the naked eye) Sarcoptes…

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4 Common Causes of Dandruff in Cats

4 Common Causes of Dandruff in Cats

Dandruff formation is a bothersome and unsightly problem common in humans. Though less common, this skin condition can also happen in cats. Most cases of dandruff in cats are not too serious but…

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Lice In Dogs and Cats

Lice In Dogs and Cats

There are 2 main types of lice in dogs and cats - sucking lice and chewing lice. Lice tend to be species-specific, so they tend to stay on their own preferred host. There are rare reports of the dog…

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Is it ok to shave your cat's coat?

Is it ok to shave your cat's coat?

Cats are known for their grooming behavior. They constantly groom themselves using their rough tongue and are perfectly capable of keeping their coat well-maintained most of the time. This is the…

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Allergy Tests for Cats

Allergy Tests for Cats

Cats can suffer from allergies, too. Just like humans, your cat may be allergic to various substances called “allergens” that may be present in the air that they breathe, in their food, and in…

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Why is my cat itchy?

Why is my cat itchy?

Itchy skin can be very frustrating for cats. To find relief, they engage in excessive grooming, licking, and scratching at the affected areas until there is hair loss and the skin becomes raw. When…

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What causes itchy eyes in pets?

What causes itchy eyes in pets?

Itchy eyes can be a source of discomfort for your pet. To find relief, your dog or cat may scratch at his eye or rub his face along the furniture or the ground. These behaviors can eventually lead…

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Why does my cat have scabs all over his body?

Why does my cat have scabs all over his body?

One of the top reasons for scabs on cats is miliary dermatitis. The scabs are usually itchy and are present on the cat’s neck, back, and tail. Take note that feline miliary dermatitis is not a…

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Common Skin Parasites in Cats

Common Skin Parasites in Cats

No matter what precautions you take in safeguarding your cat’s health and well-being, skin parasites (ectoparasites) are always a constant threat. These ubiquitous creatures can wreak havoc on the…

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Common Diseases in Cats

Common Diseases in Cats

You love your cat and want to take the best possible care of them, but it can be difficult to know what to monitor for or expect. Like most things in life, there isn’t an easy answer, but let’s…

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