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How to Care for a Pet With a Broken Bone

Just like humans, dogs and cats can suffer from broken bones. Read on to learn about the symptoms of fractures, what you can do to help your four-legged family member before you get to the vet, and…

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Common Causes of Coughing in Dogs

A common concerning symptom you may notice in your dog is a new cough. Is this something to worry about? What could be causing it? Follow below for more information regarding the common causes of…

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Snake Bite Prevention and Treatment for Pets

Like many pet owners, you may want to enjoy the outdoors with your dog or cat. In many parts of the United States, venomous snakes can pose a serious and often forgotten threat to companion animals.…

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Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) in Dogs

When dogs suddenly don’t want to lift their head, cry out when their back is touched, knuckle on their paws, or drag their legs, this can be a sign that they ruptured an intervertebral disc. Discs…

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Distemper in Dogs

Have you ever heard someone say their dog is going to the vet for their “Distemper” shot? Have you ever wondered what is wrong with their temper? Sadly, even the nicest dogs can get Distemper! It is…

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Mammary Tumors in Dogs

It can be very scary when you find any sort of mass or tumor on your dog. Mammary tumors are one of the more common tumors found. They can be malignant or benign (non-cancerous) but how can you tell…

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Domestic Travel Guide for Dog Lovers

Traveling with your dog can be amazing, or amazingly stressful. It’s important to plan ahead for certain pet travel requirements as well as possible unexpected illnesses or emergencies. Here are…

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First Aid for Broken Nails

Torn toe nails can be very painful if the break or tear involves the sensitive quick area. The quick is the pink part of the nail nearest the toe that contains the vessels and nerves. Other than…

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Signs of Pain in Dogs

We all know what it feels like to be in pain, but do you know how pain actually occurs within your own body? Did you know that besides being obviously unpleasant, pain causes detrimental effects to…

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Pet Medication 101: Benadryl

It’s important to understand a medication’s uses and side effects before giving it to your pet. This medication info sheet is meant to give you a good understanding of what Benadryl…

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Pet Medication 101: Aspirin

It’s important to understand a medication’s uses and side effects before giving it to your pet. This medication info sheet is meant to give you a good understanding of what aspirin is used for, how…

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Hypoglycemia in Small Breed Puppies

Hypoglycemia or “low blood sugar” refers to the condition when there is not enough sugar in the bloodstream. When your dog’s body is deprived of sugar, its main source of energy, the ability to…

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False Pregnancy in Dogs

False pregnancy is when a female dog who is not pregnant starts to show signs of pregnancy, such as mothering behavior or nursing, without producing puppies. This condition is also referred to as…

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Caring for Your Pregnant Dog

Having puppies may sound easy and fun, but there is actually quite a bit of work that you need to do both before and after your dog gives birth. Proper planning and care can do a lot to minimize…

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Hip Luxations in Pets

As spring and summer approach, people and pets want to get outside. With warmer temperatures, vets definitely see more animals involved in vehicular or other traumatic accidents. Some of these…

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CBD Use in Pets

CBD, or cannabidiol, is another derivative of the hemp or marijuana plant. It has several suspected health benefits, such as relieving pain, reducing anxiety, and improving sleep in people. But is…

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The Anatomy and Function of Your Pet’s Lymph Nodes

Lymph nodes are a very important part of the immune system in dogs and cats. It’s important to know where they are located and what to do if you notice an enlarged or painful lymph node while…

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How to Introduce a New Dog or Puppy to Your Home

Amidst the excitement of deciding to add a new furry family member to your home, it’s important to prepare the humans, pets, and environment they will be joining to ensure a smooth transition.…

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