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Can dogs eat chicken?

Like humans, a dog needs a balanced diet to keep them healthy. Dogs have specific nutritional requirements that need to be met daily to maintain and support bodily functions. This usually changes…

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An Update on Grape and Raisin Toxicity in Dogs

It’s always tempting to share our snacks with our pets, and while most fresh fruits are nutritious and tasty, not all are safe for dogs to eat. Grapes and raisins, a common fruit snack for humans,…

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Can dogs eat bananas?

Bananas are a popular fruit snack choice for many people, and for many reasons. They're tasty, full of nutrients, a good source of energy, and have their own natural packaging which makes carrying…

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Can dogs eat grass?

Grassy parks and fields are popular places for a dog to stroll around, do their potty breaks, take leisurely walks, and even play with their owners. Having a backyard at home also means having an…

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Pinnal Vasculitis: Why are my dog's ears crusty?

Vasculitis is a general term that is used to describe skin diseases that are caused by inflammation of the blood vessel walls. It is an uncommon disorder that can occur anywhere in the body of cats…

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What to Do if Your Dog Has a Wound on the Ear

Ear injuries in dogs happen for a variety of reasons. A dog’s ears have a strong blood supply. Thus, even a small tear or cut can cause a lot of bleeding. But this should not be a cause for worry…

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Why is my dog shaking his head?

Dogs shake their heads after a bath or a swim. It’s a natural canine behavior and something that you shouldn’t worry about. But headshaking can become a problem when you see your dog doing it…

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Ear Tumors in Dogs and Cats

Abnormal growths or tumors can develop in any part of the ear canal - in the external, middle, or inner ear canal. These tumors can be benign or malignant. Tumors that don’t spread are known as…

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Symptoms and Treatment for Ruptured Eardrums in Dogs

The ear of dogs is divided into three parts - the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. Between the outer ear and the middle ear is a thin membrane called the tympanic membrane or eardrum.…

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Is it ok to shave your dog's fur?

During hot, summer days when the ambient temperature is barely tolerable for us humans, we often imagine that our dogs, with all their thick hair, are probably feeling even worse. The tendency is…

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What to Do if Your Dog was Sprayed by a Skunk

If you live in an area where skunks are regularly sighted, chances are you’re familiar with how notorious their spray is, and you know it’s not something you don’t want your dog to experience.…

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How to Bathe Your Dog at Home

One way to keep your dog’s coat and skin healthy is by keeping it clean. To a certain extent, a dog has its own mechanisms to keep its fur and skin clean and protect itself from various elements.…

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What causes dandruff in dogs?

Skin problems are the most commonly reported health issues in dogs. Apart from the amount of hair, a dog’s skin anatomy and function are pretty much the same as with humans. This means that dogs…

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Common Causes of Hair Loss in Dogs

Hair loss, medically known as alopecia, is the most common dermatological problem observed in dogs. By definition, alopecia is the complete or partial lack of hair in regions of the body where it…

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How to Safely Trim Your Pet's Nails

Since it’s likely that your pets don’t live in the wild, their nails probably won’t wear down naturally. Therefore, as owners, we must trim them to avoid problems with walking and moving around, as…

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Pet Medication 101: Fenbendazole

It’s important to understand a medication’s uses and side effects before giving it to your pet. This medication info sheet is meant to give you a good understanding of what fenbendazole (Panacur) is…

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Pet Medication 101: Milbemycin Oxime

It’s important to understand a medication’s uses and side effects before giving it to your pet. This medication info sheet is meant to give you a good understanding of what milbemycin oxime…

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Pet Medication 101: Ivermectin

It’s important to understand a medication’s uses and side effects before giving it to your pet. This medication info sheet is meant to give you a good understanding of what ivermectin is used for,…

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