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How to Bathe Your Dog at Home

One way to keep your dog’s coat and skin healthy is by keeping it clean. To a certain extent, a dog has its own mechanisms to keep its fur and skin clean and protect itself from various elements.…

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What to Do if Your Dog was Sprayed by a Skunk

If you live in an area where skunks are regularly sighted, chances are you’re familiar with how notorious their spray is, and you know it’s not something you don’t want your dog to experience.…

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Is it ok to shave your dog's fur?

During hot, summer days when the ambient temperature is barely tolerable for us humans, we often imagine that our dogs, with all their thick hair, are probably feeling even worse. The tendency is…

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Can dogs eat bananas?

Bananas are a popular fruit snack choice for many people, and for many reasons. They're tasty, full of nutrients, a good source of energy, and have their own natural packaging which makes carrying…

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An Update on Grape and Raisin Toxicity in Dogs

It’s always tempting to share our snacks with our pets, and while most fresh fruits are nutritious and tasty, not all are safe for dogs to eat. Grapes and raisins, a common fruit snack for humans,…

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Can dogs eat chicken?

Like humans, a dog needs a balanced diet to keep them healthy. Dogs have specific nutritional requirements that need to be met daily to maintain and support bodily functions. This usually changes…

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Stomach Ulcers in Dogs and Cats

Stomach ulceration happens when there’s a disruption in the stomach’s protective barrier, leading to damage to the stomach’s lining and affecting its deeper cell layers. This causes abdominal pain,…

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Causes of Intestinal Obstruction in Dogs

Anything that blocks the passage of food along this tract, partially or completely, constitutes intestinal obstruction. This can either be a foreign body a dog has eaten but can’t completely digest,…

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Giardia in Dogs and Cats

Giardia is a microscopic, single-cell parasite that can live in the intestine of animals or people. This parasite causes the infection known as Giardiasis. Read on to learn about signs, treatment,…

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Canine Influenza Virus (Dog Flu)

In this article, you will become familiar with dog flu symptoms and what to look for in case there is an outbreak of canine influenza in your area. You can read about how the dog flu spreads from…

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Whipworms in Dogs and Cats

Whipworms are a large intestinal parasite in dogs and cats. Dogs often get infected with Trichurias vulpis and cats get infected with T. felis, T. serrata, and T. campanula. Whipworms tend to be…

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Lice In Dogs and Cats

There are 2 main types of lice in dogs and cats - sucking lice and chewing lice. Lice tend to be species-specific, so they tend to stay on their own preferred host. There are rare reports of the dog…

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Chiropractic Care for Pets

Over the years, society’s view of animals has changed dramatically - from working creatures that primarily lived outdoors to family members with their own calendars of activities, beds and specialty…

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10 Facts About Your Dog’s Eyes

Have you ever wondered if dogs are really color blind? Or what to expect from your dog’s vision as he ages? Keep reading to learn helpful facts about your dog’s eyes!

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Sunburn in Dogs and Cats

Most of us have had a sunburn at some point during our lives. Unpleasant and painful, sunburn or solar dermatitis is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) sun rays when we spend too much time…

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Can I give my dog goat’s milk?

Giving milk as a supplement to a dog’s diet has been a common practice among dog owners. Milk has high amounts of vitamins and minerals and is a common choice for dog owners to use as a nutritional…

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My dog has worms in his poop. What do I do?

Stool consistency can be a good indicator of a dog’s health. The gastrointestinal (GI) system plays a huge and important role in maintaining overall health in dogs. It’s responsible for absorbing…

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Parasites That Cause Diarrhea in Dogs

Parasites, by definition, are organisms that live on a host organism at the expense of the host’s health. They can take many forms, from visible insect parasites to microscopic organisms in the…

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