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How to Protect Your Dog from Foxtails and Other Grass Awns

You may or may not have heard of foxtails or cheatgrass. These unassuming grasses can be found by the roadside, lining hiking trails, meadows, open grassy fields, and even in your backyard. They…

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Why does my pet need an abdominal ultrasound?

An ultrasound, also known as ultrasonography or sonographic imaging, is one of the non-invasive imaging modalities that are used in veterinary medicine. The procedure provides images of the internal…

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Why does my pet need a urinalysis?

A urinalysis is a basic diagnostic tool that can provide veterinarians with a significant picture of what’s going on inside the body of pets. A urinalysis is generally one of the tests that are…

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Why does my pet need a complete blood count?

The complete blood count (CBC) is a common blood test that is performed during a routine wellness check or as a tool to diagnose a medical issue. A CBC can be easily performed at most veterinary…

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Why does my pet need x-rays?

For decades, radiographs, commonly known as x-rays, have been the most common form of medical imaging used by veterinarians. Like other medical imaging techniques, radiographs are non-invasive,…

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Is it safe for dogs to drink juice?

The shortest answer to this question is, “it depends”. Fresh fruit juices, such as apple juice or orange juice can be given as an occasional treat. But juices made of fruit concentrate are another…

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Can dogs eat tofu?

Tofu offers a lot of health benefits for humans. It’s often a staple for people who are on vegetarian and vegan diets. Since dogs thrive with a plant and meat-based diet, can dogs eat tofu too? Keep…

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Can dogs eat turkey?

Thanksgiving wouldn’t be the same without roasted turkey. Once the feast is over, the leftovers become turkey sandwiches, turkey casseroles, and other delicious dishes. With all that turkey, it’s…

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Can dogs eat carrots?

Carrots are highly nutritious and versatile vegetables. They can be eaten as snacks in the form of carrot sticks, dipped in different dressings, mixed in different kinds of salads, and included in a…

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Can dogs eat cheese?

Dogs love treats. They’re an effective tool to reward your dog during training, playtime, or even when they’re just being adorable. Treats come in many shapes, flavors, and forms. There are hundreds…

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Can dogs eat corn?

Corn is one of the most popular grain cereals in the world. It’s a good source of carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. In fact, corn can be found in a variety of dog foods. Pet food manufacturers…

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Can dogs eat honey?

One of nature’s most powerful remedies is honey. For centuries, honey has been used for various ailments in humans. And it can be used for dogs, with some precautions. Honey is jam-packed with…

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Can dogs eat ice?

Are you thinking about what cold treat you could give to your dog when days are hot and humid? Crushed ice makes a refreshing and hydrating treat for your canine buddy on days when temperatures are…

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Can dogs eat mushrooms?

Have you noticed your dog sniffing mushrooms during your outdoor excursions and wondered if they’re safe for dogs to eat? There are different varieties of mushrooms, and just like in humans, there…

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Why does my pet need a chemistry panel?

Blood work is a basic diagnostic tool in veterinary medicine. When your vet says your pet needs some blood work, it usually means a combination of a complete blood count (CBC) and a blood chemical…

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Bandage and Splint Care for Your Pet 

At some point in time, your four-legged family member may need to have a bandage or splint placed by your vet. Although a bandage or splint may seem like a simple form of therapy, proper at-home…

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What to Expect When Your Pet Has a Wound

There are many reasons why a cat or dog could have a wound. Perhaps, your dog cut herself while playing or when going out for a walk - perhaps she stepped on a piece of glass. Maybe your cat was…

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Dog Allergy Remedies

Allergies in dogs are very common health issues; however, they’re rarely simple to address. First, different types of allergies can affect dogs. This means there is a need to identify the cause of…

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