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Symptoms and Treatment for Ruptured Eardrums in Dogs

The ear of dogs is divided into three parts - the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. Between the outer ear and the middle ear is a thin membrane called the tympanic membrane or eardrum.…

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Are ear mites contagious to humans or other animals?

The presence of ear mites in the ear canal of cats and dogs causes irritation and intense itching. These pesky parasites are also called ear canker mites or otodectic mites. They are very small and…

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Types and Causes of Ear Discharge in Dogs

Ear discharge is one of the common symptoms of an underlying health issue that affects the ears. Every pet owner should be familiar with the symptoms of ear problems in dogs, how to take a proactive…

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Swelling of the Ear (Aural Hematoma) in Cats and Dogs

Aural (ear) hematomas form when blood vessels rupture under the skin of the ear flap. This is the most common reason for swelling along the outside of a dog or cat’s ear. Continue reading to learn…

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How can I test my dog’s hearing?

Some dogs are born deaf, while others develop hearing problems later in life. It is estimated that about 5 to 10 percent of dogs in the United States suffer from deafness, either in one ear…

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Is it OK to pluck the hair from my dog’s ears?

For some dog breeds, it’s natural to have hair growing inside their ears. Poodles, Shih Tzus, and Bichon Frises are just some of these breeds that grow thicker hair inside their ears. Unfortunately,…

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Pinnal Vasculitis: Why are my dog's ears crusty?

Vasculitis is a general term that is used to describe skin diseases that are caused by inflammation of the blood vessel walls. It is an uncommon disorder that can occur anywhere in the body of cats…

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Is diet important for my dog’s heart health?

Heart diseases, such as congestive heart failure, are commonly seen in dogs. Around 10% of dogs that are seen in a veterinary clinic have some form of heart problem. Usually seen in older dogs,…

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What to Do if Your Dog Has a Wound on the Ear

Ear injuries in dogs happen for a variety of reasons. A dog’s ears have a strong blood supply. Thus, even a small tear or cut can cause a lot of bleeding. But this should not be a cause for worry…

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Eye Tests for Pets: Fluorescein Staining, Schirmer Tear Test, and Tonometry

Eye injuries are common problems in pets. An eye problem such as glaucoma, corneal ulcer, or uveitis, can be extremely painful for your dog or cat. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial in…

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How to Check Your Pet’s Heart Rate and Other Vital Signs

During a veterinary visit, the first thing your vet will do is conduct a thorough physical exam. This allows him or her to have an initial assessment of your pet’s health condition and detect any…

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Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in Cats and Dogs

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a heart condition that can occur in dogs, although it is more commonly seen in cats. Continue reading to learn what happens when a pet develops HCM and why this…

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Why is my dog shaking his head?

Dogs shake their heads after a bath or a swim. It’s a natural canine behavior and something that you shouldn’t worry about. But headshaking can become a problem when you see your dog doing it…

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Why does my pet need an echocardiogram?

An echocardiogram is a basic diagnostic tool that is used in both human and veterinary medicine. Also called an echo or cardiac ultrasound, it is performed on pets to evaluate the condition and…

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16 Summer Dangers for Dogs

For many of us, summer means getting outside and enjoying time in nature with our furry best friends! Unfortunately, this also means that our pets can be exposed to new dangers. Summer temperatures,…

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Tick Talk - Dogs and Tick Control

Ticks are small, biting parasites that feed on blood and are typically most active from spring through fall. They are most commonly found in wooded areas. Ticks come in many different varieties that…

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Why is My Dog Losing Hair? What You Need to Know About Demodectic Mange

Demodectic mange, also known as demodicosis or “red mange”, is caused by a cigar-shaped, microscopic mite called Demodex canis. These mites are transmitted from mother to pup within the first few…

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What You Need to Know About Neutering Your Male Dog

Castrating (or neutering) male dogs is a common practice. The procedure can be done in different ways, either surgically or chemically. Here we answer some of your most common questions and concerns…

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