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How to Tell if Your Dog has Seasonal Allergies

Dogs are just as susceptible to seasonal allergies as humans. Specific allergens in the environment tend to increase at certain times of the year, specifically during spring and/or fall, triggering…

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Common Skin Parasites in Dogs

External parasites are among the most common causes of itching and discomfort in dogs. Fleas, mites, or ticks on their skin or ears can send them into a scratching frenzy leading to skin irritation…

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Can dogs eat oatmeal?

Oatmeal is a healthy and tasty breakfast staple for humans. But can you share your oatmeal with your canine buddy? The short answer is “yes, but in moderation”.  Made from hulled oat grains, oatmeal…

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Can dogs drink flavored water?

With their keen sense of taste and smell, dogs can be picky not only with their food but also with their drinking water. Tap, distilled, filtered, or bottled water vary in taste and even odor. Your…

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Can dogs eat popcorn?

Popcorn is a favorite movie-time snack. It’s easy to make it at home, too. You simply put the ready-to-pop popcorn pack in the microwave and the smell of butter and popcorn soon fills the air. As…

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Can dogs eat potatoes?

French fries, hash browns, mashed potatoes, tater tots - these are just some of our quintessential potato favorites. But when you’re eating some and your canine buddy looks at you with those big…

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Can dogs eat peanut butter?

Peanut butter, whether it’s smooth, creamy, or crunchy, makes a tasty treat for dogs from time to time. Peanut butter can be used in puzzle feeders, or as a treat to make bath time or nail trims…

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Can dogs eat raisins?

If you love the tart, sweet, and fruity taste of raisins, you may have wondered if you can share some with your canine friend. Unfortunately, the answer is a resounding “no!”. Raisins are highly…

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Can Dogs Eat Raw Meat?

Dogs are distantly related to wolves, and wolves thrive on animal prey. In this case, can dogs eat raw meat and thrive, too? A quick answer to this question is yes and no. A raw meat diet for dogs…

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Can dogs eat strawberries?

Strawberries are chock full of vital nutrients that are good for dogs. However, before you offer this delicious and nutritious fruit to your canine friend, there are some important things you need…

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Warning Signs of Dehydration in Dogs

While our dogs cannot tell us when they’re thirsty, knowing what to look for can alert us to prevent dehydration. Keep reading to learn more about recognizing signs of dehydration in your dog, which…

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Symptoms and Treatment of Lice in Dogs

Dog lice are parasites. They are small, flat, wingless, six-legged insects that live on mammals and birds, more specifically on their hair or feathers. They can hang onto the hairs thanks to strong…

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Symptoms and Treatment of Mites in Dogs

What are dog mites? They are tiny creatures about a millimeter long that burrow into a dog's skin and cause inflammation and irritation. They are, in other words, parasites, and as a consequence,…

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How to Care for a Deaf Pet

Deaf dogs retain a strong command of their senses. This means that losing their sense of hearing won’t have a profound effect on their daily activities. And fortunately, dogs that become deaf later…

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What to Do if Your Dog is Attacked by a Porcupine

Outdoor excursions are always something to look forward to for pets and pet owners alike. These are excellent opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors and bombard the senses with varied and…

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How to Stop Your Pet from Licking Their Wounds

Owners are often frustrated when treating a wound on their dog or cat because pets are always wanting/trying to lick the wound, making it challenging to apply topical medications and prolonging the…

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Can dogs drink soda?

Soda is a quintessential, all-time favorite drink and thirst-quencher. When you reach for your favorite soda drink on a super-hot day, your canine buddy will surely be waiting for his share, too.…

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Can dogs drink bone broth?

Bone broth has gained the reputation of being good for dogs with digestive issues, unhealthy hair coats, or sore joints. Nutrients from bone broth can also help with digestion and gut health, and…

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