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Help, my dog is digging! What can I do?

It’s definitely frustrating to see that your dog is digging holes in the yard. Keep reading to learn why this may be happening and what you can do to change your dog’s unwanted behavior.

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Why Do Dogs Bark?

Everyone knows that dogs bark. In fact, most people don’t train their dogs not to bark because they think they’re “supposed to”. If your dog’s barking seems excessive or inappropriate, we’re here to…

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Tips for a Dog-Friendly Christmas

Christmas is a favorite time of year for many people. With the magic of the holidays, also comes some risks for our furry family members. Here we’ll discuss common problems you may encounter with…

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Should I give my pet probiotics?

Your vet might recommend giving your dog or cat probiotics for several reasons. Continue reading to learn more about how probiotics work and why we use them in our pets.

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Ringworm in Dogs

Does your pet have ringworm? What can you do to help? Keep reading to learn about the different types and treatments of ringworm in cats and dogs.

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How to Feed and Care for Newborn Puppies

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to care for newborn puppies? What should you watch out for? What if the mama is no longer around? Read on to learn the basics!

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Seizures in Dogs

If your dog has ever had a seizure, you know it can be a scary time for everyone. It’s important to understand why a pet may be having a seizure and what you should do during and after the episode.…

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Leptospirosis in Dogs and Cats

If you have pets, it’s important to know about zoonotic diseases (those that can be transmitted to people from animals) like Leptospirosis. Continue reading to learn about the causes, treatment, and…

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Lyme Disease in Dogs

You may know that Lyme disease is a concerning illness for people. But did you know that it can also affect your dog? Keep reading to learn about the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of Lyme…

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The Facts About Pet Health Insurance

Considering purchasing a health insurance policy for your dog or cat? Overwhelmed by all the options? Don’t worry! You’re not alone! Because having pet health insurance can be a helpful way to…

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Is it normal for my puppy to bite?

Puppies and adult dogs bite for various reasons. A clear understanding as to why this happens and some good, simple training can make all the difference! Read on for more information and helpful…

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Cataracts in Dogs and Cats

Cataracts are a common cause of vision problems in humans. They’re often treated with surgery which can be a straightforward day procedure. Cataracts occur somewhat commonly in pets, though in…

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Blindness in Cats and Dogs

It’s hard not to feel sorry for a blind pet. However, this worry is mostly our human feelings taking over and imagining what it would be like for us (this sentiment is called anthropomorphism!)…

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Top 3 Diseases of the Surface of the Eye (Cornea) in Dogs

Any disease affecting the surface of the eye can threaten vision. Therefore, it’s important to treat them quickly and effectively. Below is a summary of the most common corneal conditions affecting…

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Nothing to bark about! Causes of Limping in Dogs (and what you should do!)

Have you ever twisted your ankle stepping off a curb? Have you woken up with a sore or stiff back? Have you ever been bitten on the foot by a fire ant or stinging insect? Life, we know, is full of…

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Medial Patellar Luxation (MPL) in Pets

Do you have a small dog? Do they skip or hop on 3 legs occasionally, holding up a hind leg? Your dog may have a “trick knee” or an “MPL” as we call it in veterinary medicine. Keep reading to learn…

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My dog has Addison’s Disease. What does this mean?

Hypoadrenocorticism is a very long medical word. In this article, we’ll unravel its meaning to help you understand this condition. Hypoadrenocorticism, also known as Addison (or Addison’s) Disease,…

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Is my dog hypothyroid?

Hypothyroidism is a common hormonal disorder in dogs. Continue reading to learn about the signs, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of canine hypothyroidism.

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