Dental disease usually begins when plaque bacteria builds up on a cat's teeth. The plaque then turns into a hard substance called tartar. Tartar can continue developing under the gums, causing inflammation. This inflammation (red, swollen gums) is called gingivitis. Ouch!
Gingivitis is also the root of that bad kitty breath we’re all too familiar with, especially in our senior pets. The unhealthy gums may begin to recede, causing teeth to become loose or even fall out! Gingivitis also leads to infection. This bacteria can travel through the bloodstream and eventually set up shop in other organs - most commonly, heart valves.
A process called “tooth resorption” is unfortunately a common issue in cats. Tooth resorption is basically a cavity-like breakdown or erosion of the tooth. The defect is usually located right where the tooth meets the gum line (but can also occur under the gum). The resorptive lesion may look like a hole in the tooth or may even cause the tooth to break. These can be quite painful! Your cat may drool or begin to lose weight because chewing is too uncomfortable.
It’s important to examine your cat’s mouth periodically. Look under those lips daily (in a perfect world). Checking your cat’s mouth weekly is probably more realistic, and that’s OK too!
Check for things like:
You should also monitor your cat for behaviors or hidden clues that there may be a problem:
It’s a good idea to get your kitten used to this sort of “exam” at home from the start. This will help him become comfortable and cooperative for teeth brushing and exams with the vet. Your vet will LOVE you for how well-behaved your kitten is, and they’ll be able to perform a thorough check-up!!
Regular dental cleanings (with or without tooth extractions) are just one of the preventative tools that veterinarians recommend. Be sure to talk to your regular vet or FirstVet about brushing your cat’s teeth, and choosing the right food, treats, and toys to keep those teeth healthy!
What You Need to Know About Vaccinating Your Cat
What You Need to Know About Spaying or Neutering Your Cat
Common Intestinal Parasites in Cats
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