Despite how it may seem, your cat isn’t peeing on your favorite shoes to get revenge. However, you should take this as a signal that something isn’t right. Never scold or punish your cat for inappropriate urination - this will only add to her stress and possibly worsen her condition.
Causes of inappropriate urination in cats can usually be divided into two categories: underlying disease or behavioral.
Sometimes, a cat will urinate outside of the litter box because he is sick or in pain. Almost any illness or injury may cause a cat to pee on your furniture; however, here are some of the more common culprits:
Your cat may start peeing outside of the litter box because she is stressed or upset about changes in her environment or routine. These problems can be very difficult to identify, but typically include things like:
To get your cat back to using his litter box, you must first determine why he started this behavior in the first place. This might require a little (or a lot) of detective work!
Start by scheduling an exam with your vet or consulting FirstVet. A full physical exam and diagnostics such as a urinalysis and blood work may be necessary to rule out underlying disease.
If you suspect that your cat is stressed about her environment or is upset about other pets in the house, try to address these problems as soon as possible. Ensure that the litter box is clean, and your cat can easily get in and out. Be sure there are plenty of litter boxes throughout the house if you have more than one cat. Consult a vet or a behavioral specialist for additional pointers. FirstVet can provide you with ways to help your cat at home or refer you to a veterinary behaviorist if necessary.
The Cat-Lover’s Guide to Litter Box Bliss
Why does my cat have blood in his urine?
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