1. Drug Name:
2. Brand Names:
Nizoral, Ketochlor
3. How Dispensed:
Prescription only
200mg tablets, topical cream, shampoo (with Chlorhexidine)
5. Drug Type/Class:
6. Uses in Cats and Dogs:
Treats fungus of the lymph nodes, skin, nails, respiratory system, bone, and other parts of the body
7. How it Works:
Ketoconazole works by inhibiting the production of a fungal cell wall. This causes the fungus to be structurally deficient, making it unable to reproduce or survive.
8. Side Effects and/or Signs of Overdose:
9. Drug Interactions:
- Aminophylline/Theophylline
10. Cautionary Statements:
- Due to its toxic side effects and the availability of safer options, use in cats is generally not recommended.
- Use with caution in patients with liver disease, low platelet counts, and those undergoing surgical procedures.
- Use with caution in patients with serious illnesses or trauma.
- Do not use in pregnant pets unless it is for a life-threatening infection.
- Use with caution in breeding pets, as it can cause temporary infertility.
- Use with caution in nursing pets because it is excreted in the milk.
Read more:
Ringworm in Cats and Dogs
Aspergillosis in Dogs and Cats
Medication Info Sheet: Fluconazole
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