Anterior uveitis refers to inflammation in the anterior segment of the eye affecting the iris and ciliary body, while inflammation of the choroid is called posterior uveitis. If all three structures are involved, the inflammation is called true uveitis or pan-uveitis.
Common causes of uveitis are:
If no underlying cause is uncovered as a part of the comprehensive diagnostic evaluation, your dog’s uveitis may be considered immune-mediated or idiopathic (no obvious underlying cause).
Signs of uveitis can be subtle and include squinting, rubbing at the eyes, and mild tearing; or they can be severe with redness, hazy, or cloudy appearance to the eyes, and decreased vision. Some patients have mild uveitis with normal vision and mild discomfort while others have severe and painful uveitis.
Many of the signs of uveitis are similar to glaucoma. With uveitis, intraocular pressure (IOP) is reduced (low) whereas with glaucoma it is elevated (high). Measurement of IOP is often performed to differentiate between the two conditions and is a simple, painless procedure.
Special diagnostic procedures such as ultrasound may be used to examine the eye. Other tests may be done to help rule out systemic illnesses including blood tests, urinalysis, or radiographs (x-rays). For infectious causes, it may be necessary to perform specialized blood tests or take tissue samples for diagnostic testing.
Immediate priorities are to relieve pain, prevent glaucoma, maintain the normal internal structure of the eye, and preserve vision.
Treatment for uveitis includes topical and systemic anti-inflammatory medication in addition to the treatment of any underlying disease process. Therapy is often required for weeks or months. Occasionally, treatment is lifelong.
Prognosis is good to guarded, depending on the underlying cause, severity, extent of damage caused by the inflammation, duration of inflammation, response to therapy, and development of negative aftereffects. The best outcome occurs when uveitis is diagnosed early, treated promptly and aggressively, and the underlying cause is responsive to therapy. When treated properly, most cases of uveitis begin to improve within twenty-four hours. Frequent rechecks are recommended until the inflammation is under control.
A Vet’s Advice: Eye Exams and Eye Care for Your Pets
Eye Injuries in Pets: Corneal Ulcers and Scratches
How to Clean and Care for Your Pet’s Eyes at Home
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