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Articles, questions and guides on pet care.

First Aid Kit Checklist for the Cat Owner

Having a well-stocked first-aid kit on hand for your beloved cat will help ensure that you’re prepared for minor illness and injuries. Although there are many commercial kits available, you can…

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How to Choose the Right Food for Your Dog

Finding the right food for your dog is one of the most important things that you can do to keep him healthy. But finding the “perfect” food that is high quality, budget-friendly, well-balanced, and…

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What Should You Do if Your Cat has Hairballs?

You love your cat's silky coat and how immaculately clean she keeps it. But the hairballs she vomits?... Not so much! Hairballs are common in cats, especially those with medium to long coats. If…

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Parvovirus in Puppies: A Treatment and Prevention Q&A

You just got a new puppy, how exciting! You want to bring your new furry family member with you everywhere, but your vet just recommended waiting until after she finishes her puppy vaccine series.…

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Top 3 Causes of Conjunctivitis in Cats

Conjunctivitis, sometimes called pink eye, is one of the most common causes of red eyes in cats and dogs. It causes other signs such as excessive sticky, mucopurulent, or pus-like discharge that is…

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Kidney Failure in Cats

All dogs and cats should have 2 kidneys, just like people. The kidneys play a vital role by eliminating waste products that build up in the body, keeping good products in the body, and managing…

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Kidney Failure in Dogs

All dogs and cats should have 2 kidneys, just like people. The kidneys play a vital role by eliminating waste products that build up in the body, keeping good products in the body, and managing…

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Everything You Need to Know About Your Dog’s Dental Health

Your dog’s dental health is sooo important! It’s natural for them to hide signs of pain. So unless you’re paying attention to your dog’s mouth, you might not have any idea that there’s a problem.…

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Brushing Your Dog's Teeth: Step-by-Step Instructions

As soon as you get that new puppy, be sure to get them used to having their teeth brushed! They’re kinda like a ball of clay when they’re young and will be more agreeable to trying new things. Old…

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Obesity in Cats: What You Need to Know if Your Favorite Feline is Overweight

Obesity is a real concern in humans and pets alike. Being overweight increases the risk of joint pain, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, bladder stones, and bladder inflammation, just to name a few!…

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Obesity in Dogs: What You Need to Know if Your Favorite Canine is Overweight

Obesity is a real concern in humans and pets alike. Being overweight increases the risk of joint pain, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, etc. It also reduces the overall life span of our furry…

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Diabetes in Dogs

If your dog has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you may be feeling scared and overwhelmed. Diabetes seems like a complicated disease, but with early detection and management, your dog may be…

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Diabetes in Cats

If you think your cat has diabetes, you may be feeling scared and overwhelmed. Diabetes seems like a complicated disease, but with early detection and proper treatment, your cat may be able to lead…

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How to Choose the Right Food for Your Cat

Let’s face it, cats are notorious for being picky eaters. You finally figure out what type of food they like, buy a case of it, and all of a sudden they don’t want it anymore. Some cats only eat…

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Housebreaking: Everything You Need to Know About Potty Training Your Puppy

Training your new puppy or adopted adult dog to go potty in the proper location can be a challenge. The sooner you start, the easier the process will be. Don’t forget, your puppy or new dog is…

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Everything You Need to Know About Feeding Your Cat a Raw Diet

Everyone wants to eat healthier these days and include more natural and organic foods in their diet. So it’s not surprising that an increasing number of cat owners have been transitioning to raw…

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Choosing the Right Therapeutic Diet for Your Dog

Many dogs can benefit from therapeutic diets. These diets are formulated to help with specific health conditions your dog may have. Does your dog have arthritis? Bad breath? Chronic age-related…

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A Guide to Treating and Preventing Constipation in Cats

When it comes to our cats’ bathroom habits, we know they want privacy as much, if not more, than we do. How do you know if your cat is constipated and needs treatment? If your cat hasn’t produced a…

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