Choosing the right cat breed for you
Choosing the right breed of cat or kitten is an exciting time for every prospective owner. Owning a cat is very rewarding, whilst being a big responsibility. They are many breeds to choose from, and…
Summer dangers for cats
Summer means that both we and our cats can spend more time outdoors. However, for cats, the hot weather and being out in nature, can pose a number of risks. In this article you can read about some…
Neutering your cat – advantages and disadvantages
It is very common for cats to be neutered in the UK. When castrating male cats, the testicles are removed. When neutering female cats, the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes are removed…
Obesity in Cats
More and more cats are developing obesity. A cat is considered overweight if it weighs over 20% more than its ideal body weight. If it weighs more than 20% above its ideal weight, it is classified…
Help! My cat pees in the wrong place, what should I do?
It is a relatively common problem that a cat who has always used a litter tray can suddenly start to urinate on the bed, the carpet or other inappropriate place. Unfortunately, it can be difficult…
Feeding your dog or cat a raw food diet - What do you need to consider?
Are you thinking of feeding your dog a raw diet? Read our article to find out all you need to know about raw feeding your dog a raw meat-based diet to help you make an informed decision. Similar…
What are digestive support diets for dogs and cats and when to use them
If your pet has tummy trouble, changing their food can help their stomach get better. But what should you feed? Read our article to understand what digestive support foods are and how to use them.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in cats
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common form of heart disease in cats. Here we describe the signs to look for and what to do if you have concerns about your cat.
Tips for cats with urinary disease or kidney issues
The vet who manages your pet’s case is always the best person to advise you about the treatment plan. However, for all cats, increasing their water intake and trying to reduce their stress levels…
Why do cats hunt and how to reduce it?
Cats are predators and as such are instinctive hunters. Domestic cats have retained the same hunting instincts as their wild relatives; we can see this when they chase and pounce on a toy. They…
Breathing problems in cats
Breathing difficulties (dyspnoea) are a relatively common emergency in cats. There are several reasons why your cat may experience difficulty breathing and any age of cat can be affected. Breathing…
Disease surveillance in pets
I work as a clinical pathologist and veterinary investigations officer when I am not on shift with FirstVet. My job involves all aspects of disease surveillance such as; identification of disease,…
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in cats
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a term used to describe progressive kidney failure or chronic renal failure in cats. CKD is one of the most common diseases in older cats, although it does not affect…
Choosing a cat carrier
Cats often have negative associations with their carrier, especially if it means a trip to the vet. This may make it difficult to get them to enter the carrier, therefore making it harder and more…
Retained testicle (Cryptorchidism) in pets
When an animal has an undescended or retained testicle, we call this condition cryptorchidism. Cryptorchidism is seen in both cats and dogs, as well as other animals. Although cryptorchidism rarely…
Fever in dogs and cats
Having a body temperature that is higher than normal is usually associated with fever. A fever is typically caused by inflammation or infection. A temperature rise is part of the body's normal…
Lameness in cats
Cats can become lame for many reasons. Cats may develop an abscess from a cat bite, a wound, sprain, fracture or a sting in the paw. Some lameness can also be caused by joint problems in the leg.…
Can our dogs communicate with us? How to give our dogs choices and enrich their lives
As caring dog owners, we want to build a strong relationship with our pets based on mutual trust and respect. But one aspect of our dogs’ lives less often considered is the importance of choice.…