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Caring for rabbits and other rodents during the winter

It’s always best to be prepared so we thought that this would be a good time to talk about how to look after our smaller furry pets in colder Winter months. Rabbits, guinea pigs and most small…

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Flystrike in rabbits and other small furries

Flystrike is commonly caused by blue bottle and green bottle flies. Flystrike can strike very fast! Flies are attracted to urine or faeces, either in the rabbit hutch, or on the rabbit. They are…

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Feeding your rabbits

Although we keep them as pets, domestic rabbits are still very similar to their wild cousins. In the wild, rabbits spend up to 70% of their day foraging and nibbling food. They have a similar…

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Which plants are safe to feed rabbits?

Rabbits should be fed unlimited grass or hay for the main part of their diet. Rabbits like variation in their diet so you can keep their meal times exciting by feeding small amounts of different…

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Which plants are poisonous for rabbits?

Rabbits are inquisitive. They like to chew things and sample different plants and vegetation. In the wild they would learn which plants were safe to eat from their elders. However in captivity they…

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Vaccinating your rabbits

Vaccinations are the best way to protect your rabbits from serious infectious diseases. Sadly, the diseases which these vaccinations protect against, are often not treatable. They can affect both…

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7 things to know before buying a rabbit

Are you considering buying a pair of rabbits? Or are you just curious to learn a little more about rabbits in general? Great! Maybe you are wondering what rabbits eat, how they should live and…

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