Which plants are safe to feed rabbits?

Rabbits should be fed unlimited grass or hay for the main part of their diet. Rabbits like variation in their diet so you can keep their meal times exciting by feeding small amounts of different plants and herbs. Before you start gathering treats for your rabbits, remember to pick them only in safe areas that are free from chemicals or other pollutants. Only feed plants that you can positively identify as safe. We would recommend feeding small amounts of a range of plants, rather than just one type of plant. As you can see below, there are lots to choose from!
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Safe plants that rabbits can eat:
- Agrimonia
- Apple leaves and twigs
- Avens
- Blackberry leaves
- Blackcurrant leaves
- Burdock
- Camomile
- Calendula
- Cleavers (Goosegrass or sticky weed)
- Cornflower
- Common mallow
- Chamomile
- Currant
- Dandelions
- Echinacea
- Goats rue
- Golden rod
- Hawthorn
- Hazel
- Herb Robert
- Jerusalem artichoke
- Lemon balm
- Lady’s Mantle
- Mallow
- Marigold
- Melilot
- Mulberry
- Nasturtium
- Nettles (dried)
- Plantain (broad leaf and ribwort varieties)
- Pear leaves and twigs
- Raspberry leaves
- Rosebay willowherb (Fireweed)
- Roses (leaves and flowers)
- Sainfoin
- Shepherd’s purse
- Strawberry greens
- Sunflowers
- Vetch
- Willow leaves
- Yarrow
- Wild Geranium
Safe herbs that rabbits can eat:
- Basil
- Coriander
- Curly kale
- Dill
- Fennel
- Mint
- Parsley
- Thyme
Around 10% of your rabbit’s food intake per day should be made up of herbs, plants, fresh vegetables and leafy greens. This equates to a daily allowance about the size of your rabbit’s head, or an adult human-sized handful. Read more in our article about how to provide the right diet for your rabbits.
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