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Is my cat too fat or too skinny? A guide to body condition scoring in cats

Have you ever wondered if your cat is an ideal weight? How do you know if you need to cut out on some of the treats? It is important to keep your cat an ideal weight throughout their life to prevent…

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Drooling in dogs and cats

Drooling, or hypersalivation (ptyalism), is the result of overproduction of saliva or the inability to swallow the saliva being produced, or both. Drooling in pets can present as a mild complaint or…

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Vomiting bile in dogs and cats - causes, signs and treatment

Dogs and cats vomit bile when they have no other food content in the stomach. This could be because there has been previous vomiting, or it may be that they have not eaten recently. Bile and gastric…

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Long-term diarrhoea in dogs and cats

Loose stools can become an ongoing problem in both dogs and cats. In medical terms, changes to the consistency of stools is termed chronic diarrhoea when it has been present for 2 weeks or more.…

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Help! My pet has eaten….? Foreign bodies in dogs and cats

It is very common for dogs to eat things they shouldn’t, and sometimes this can get them into trouble. It is less common but still possible in cats, who tend to be more careful about what they…

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Eating things that are not edible - pica in cats

Pica is a term used to describe behaviour in cats where they regularly eat items that are not considered edible. This sometimes includes repeated eating one specific item such as stones, but can…

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Megacolon in cats

Megacolon in cats is a term to describe an abnormality of the colon, which is the last part of the gut before the anus. With megacolon, the colon loses its motility, which is its ability to move…

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Pancreatitis in cats

The pancreas is an organ in the body located close to the stomach. It produces enzymes that assist in the digestion of food and hormones such as insulin that regulate sugar levels. When inflammation…

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Feeding my kitten

Kittens have special nutritional needs, unlike puppies, in that they are true meat eaters (carnivores). Getting early feeding right can help your kitten to grow correctly with strong bones and teeth…

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Eyelid lumps in cats

When a tumour grows on the eyelid it presents different challenges to other locations in the body. An eyelid tumour may appear as a lump on your cat’s eyelid. Eyelid tumours in cats are more likely…

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Spots on the chin: cat acne and how to treat it

Feline acne, also known as follicular keratinisation, is a common skin condition that usually appears on the chin area. For this reason, it is also sometimes referred to as cat chin acne. Some cats…

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Haemorrhagic gastro-enteritis (HGE) in dogs and cats

Haemorrhagic gastro-enteritis (HGE) is a syndrome where a dog or cat passes diarrhoea and/or vomit containing fresh red blood. Sometimes they can have profuse watery bright red diarrhoea and it can…

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Top five health problems in older cats

As cats age, they can be more prone to certain age related disease processes. Early detection and management of these age related issues leads to a better quality of life for older cats. Read more…

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Halloween hazards and Bonfire Night - how to keep your pet safe

Halloween can be a wonderful time of year with lots of sweets and chocolates in abundance, creative costumes and a great time had by all. However our pets may feel very different, with dangers posed…

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How to make your garden cat friendly

Many cat owners spend time making their home more cat friendly, but often do not consider how cat friendly their garden is. If you have a garden where other cats from the neighbourhood frequent,…

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Why is my cat scratching at the furniture?

Scratching is a natural and very important behaviour for the cat. However problems can arise when cats scratch furniture or other objects in the house that the owner deems undesirable.

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Dog and cat bites

The mouths of dogs and cats are filled with bacteria which can cause serious infections if a bite occurs. In addition the teeth can penetrate into tissue and cause both superficial and deeper, more…

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How to reduce stress in multi-cat households

Are multi-cat households more stressful? Having more than one cat in the home can lead to feelings of stress, frustration and issues with aggression. Here you can find tips on how to reduce stress,…

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