Pancreatitis in cats
The pancreas is an organ in the body located close to the stomach. It produces enzymes that assist in the digestion of food and hormones such as insulin that regulate sugar levels. When inflammation…
Spots on the chin: cat acne and how to treat it
Feline acne, also known as follicular keratinisation, is a common skin condition that usually appears on the chin area. For this reason, it is also sometimes referred to as cat chin acne. Some cats…
Why does my vet want a stool sample from my pet?
Has your vet asked for a poo (faecal) sample from your pet? Have you ever wondered what these samples can tell us? Our vet explains how to collect a suitable sample and what tests can be done to…
Top five health problems in older cats
As cats age, they can be more prone to certain age related disease processes. Early detection and management of these age related issues leads to a better quality of life for older cats. Read more…
Halloween hazards and Bonfire Night - how to keep your pet safe
Halloween can be a wonderful time of year with lots of sweets and chocolates in abundance, creative costumes and a great time had by all. However our pets may feel very different, with dangers posed…
Lily poisoning in cats
Lilies are one of those everyday items we keep in our homes and gardens that are potentially deadly for our pets. Read our article to learn what you need to know to keep your cat safe.
What are probiotics? Why and when should I give them to my dog or cat?
Every pet shop out there offers numerous probiotics. But what is a probiotic actually? Does it do anything? How to use it? Read on for what you need to know on gut health and probiotics for pets.
What is cat flea allergy dermatitis (FAD)?
Cats can get skin irritations from fleas without being allergic to them. Flea allergy dermatitis is something else though. Read our article to understand it better and learn what to do about it.
Quick A to Z of common external parasites in cats
Read our article for a handy overview of parasites that are usually found on a cat's skin.
What is contact allergy in cats?
The least common form of allergies, contact allergy is often neglected in online sources of information about your cat’s health. Read our article for what you need to know about it!