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Vomiting bile in dogs and cats - causes, signs and treatment

Dogs and cats vomit bile when they have no other food content in the stomach. This could be because there has been previous vomiting, or it may be that they have not eaten recently. Bile and gastric…

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Intussusception in dogs and cats

Intussusception is an uncommon problem that can occur in the intestine where one part of the gut slides into the next part in a telescoping action. This can cause a blockage or particle blockage…

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Help! My pet has eaten….? Foreign bodies in dogs and cats

It is very common for dogs to eat things they shouldn’t, and sometimes this can get them into trouble. It is less common but still possible in cats, who tend to be more careful about what they…

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Pancreatitis in cats

The pancreas is an organ in the body located close to the stomach. It produces enzymes that assist in the digestion of food and hormones such as insulin that regulate sugar levels. When inflammation…

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Feeding my kitten

Kittens have special nutritional needs, unlike puppies, in that they are true meat eaters (carnivores). Getting early feeding right can help your kitten to grow correctly with strong bones and teeth…

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Eyelid lumps in cats

When a tumour grows on the eyelid it presents different challenges to other locations in the body. An eyelid tumour may appear as a lump on your cat’s eyelid. Eyelid tumours in cats are more likely…

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Pros and cons of keeping a cat indoors

For most cat owners, it is an important decision on whether you should keep your cat indoors or allow them access to the outside world. There are pros and cons of both options which this article…

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How to clean your cat’s ears

Now and then your cat may have waxy ears that need cleaning. Not sure how to do it or what to use? Read our article to learn how to do this with the best results.

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Lily poisoning in cats

Lilies are one of those everyday items we keep in our homes and gardens that are potentially deadly for our pets. Read our article to learn what you need to know to keep your cat safe.

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How to deal with your cat’s ear infection (otitis externa)?

Cats get ear infections much rarer than dogs, though not never. Read our article to learn how to recognise when your cat has an ear infection (otitis externa) and what to do about it.

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Which plants are toxic or safe for your dog and cat?

Adult dogs and cats are more careful in their explorations, but puppies and kittens often take a “chew first, ask later” approach. Read on to learn which plants are harmless and which not.

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What are cat allergies or hypersensitivities?

Just as in people, the number of cats suspected of or diagnosed with allergies are growing. But what are allergies and how to recognise them? Keep reading to understand your cat’s allergies better.

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What are cat food allergies?

Everybody has heard of food allergies by now or knows people who have them. Cats can also get food allergies, but they like to do them differently than people. Read on to learn how to recognise them.

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Quick A to Z of common external parasites in cats

Read our article for a handy overview of parasites that are usually found on a cat's skin.

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What is immunotherapy (ASIT) for cats?

If you have an atopic cat, you probably came across the concept of ‘immunotherapy’ somewhere. Read our article for a description of it and how to use it for your atopic cat’s benefit!

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What is contact allergy in cats?

The least common form of allergies, contact allergy is often neglected in online sources of information about your cat’s health. Read our article for what you need to know about it!

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