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Cat flu - signs, diagnosis and treatment

Cat flu is a collective name for upper respiratory tract infection in cats. Here you will learn more about the infection, how to prevent it and treat if your cat should be affected! Cat flu is a…

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How to treat minor wounds on your pet

There’s probably not a dog or cat alive that has never returned home from their outdoor adventures with a scrape, scratch or cut. Either caught up in a tight spot, on a sharp (metallic) object or…

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Help! My cat isn't eating

A cat that is a fussy eater or likes to pick or play with their food is very different to a cat who normally loves their food and has stopped eating. Is your car drinking? Is it possible that your…

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Vomiting and diarrhoea in cats

Cats often vomit or develop diarrhoea, when should we treat? The reason for the vomiting or diarrhoea may be simple, such as a hairball, however the cause could be more serious. Whether the symptoms…

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How not to spend Christmas with your vet: Christmas dangers for pets and how to avoid them

Vets love their patients, it’s not a secret. But sometimes we really don’t want to see them. For Christmas, for example. Keep reading for what you need to know to spend Christmas with your pets…

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Can dogs and cats eat gingerbread?

There are many delicious treats during Christmas that tempt both our dogs and cats. But what really happens if our animals happen to ingest one or more gingerbread cookies? Are gingerbread cookies…

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My dog has broken its nail. What should I do?

Dogs may sometimes break a nail when they are out and about on a walk. The dew claw, above the paw, is more loosely attached and is therefore most prone to damage. Although some dogs have naturally…

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I’ve found a lump on my dog, what should I do next?

Most dogs develop a lump or two during their lifetime. There can be lots of different reasons for this. It is always worrying to find a lump on your pet. Lumps can be something simple, however, some…

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Can I get coronavirus from my pet?

After the outbreak of coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in China, the virus is now spreading throughout the world. There are many questions and concerns about the infection from people, both with and…

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What is cherry eye in dogs?

Dogs have a third eyelid which is found in the inner corner of each eye. You may have seen a small, pink triangular piece of tissue flick briefly across your dog’s eye when they yawn? This is the…

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How to help your pet to be home alone again after Covid-19 quarantine: 5 tips

Many of our pets have enjoyed the extra time that they have had with their owners during the Covid-19 restrictions. As the lockdown is lifting, it is important to remember that your pet(s) will not…

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What are aural haematomas of dogs and cats?

Although its name sounds very complicated, an aural haematoma is in fact a fairly simple and not that rare condition seen both in dogs and cats. Read on for more about why it happens, how to spot it…

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Summer dangers for cats

Summer means that both we and our cats can spend more time outdoors. However, for cats, the hot weather and being out in nature, can pose a number of risks. In this article you can read about some…

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What are digestive support diets for dogs and cats and when to use them

If your pet has tummy trouble, changing their food can help their stomach get better. But what should you feed? Read our article to understand what digestive support foods are and how to use them.

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Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in cats

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a term used to describe progressive kidney failure or chronic renal failure in cats. CKD is one of the most common diseases in older cats, although it does not affect…

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Lameness in cats

Cats can become lame for many reasons. Cats may develop an abscess from a cat bite, a wound, sprain, fracture or a sting in the paw. Some lameness can also be caused by joint problems in the leg.…

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Vomiting vs regurgitation in dogs and cats - what is the difference?

All pet owners will know that vomiting is a common problem in dogs and cats. However, it is important to know the difference between vomiting and regurgitation. Regurgitation in dogs and cats has…

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Drooling in dogs and cats

Drooling, or hypersalivation (ptyalism), is the result of overproduction of saliva or the inability to swallow the saliva being produced, or both. Drooling in pets can present as a mild complaint or…

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