Halloween hazards and Bonfire Night - how to keep your pet safe
Halloween can be a wonderful time of year with lots of sweets and chocolates in abundance, creative costumes and a great time had by all. However our pets may feel very different, with dangers posed…
What are probiotics? Why and when should I give them to my dog or cat?
Every pet shop out there offers numerous probiotics. But what is a probiotic actually? Does it do anything? How to use it? Read on for what you need to know on gut health and probiotics for pets.
What are the most common ear problems in dogs?
Noticed your dog shaking their head more, rubbing it on the floor or scratching at their ears? Red, dirty or smelly ears? Keep reading to learn what may be causing this and what to do about it!
What are dog allergies or hypersensitivities?
Just as in people, the number of dogs suspected of or diagnosed with allergies are growing. But what are allergies and how to recognise them? Keep reading to understand your dog’s allergies better.
Quick A to Z of common external parasites in dogs
Read our article for a handy overview of parasites that are usually found on a dog's skin.
What is dog flea allergy dermatitis (FAD)?
Dogs can get irritated skin from fleas without being allergic, but flea allergy dermatitis is an entirely separate condition. Read our article to understand it better and learn what to do about it.
What is atopy or atopic dermatitis of dogs?
You might know the term ‘atopy’ but might not know that dogs can have it too. They do, and it looks different than in people. Read our article about canine atopy for all you need to know about it.
What is contact allergy in dogs?
The least common form of allergies, contact allergy is often neglected in online sources of information about your dog’s health. Read our article for what you need to know about it!