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Megaoesophagus in dogs

Megaoesophagus is a condition where the muscular food pipe, which connects the throat to the stomach (the oesophagus), does not function normally. Food and saliva cannot move into the stomach, as…

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Intussusception in dogs and cats

Intussusception is an uncommon problem that can occur in the intestine where one part of the gut slides into the next part in a telescoping action. This can cause a blockage or particle blockage…

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Help! My pet has eaten….? Foreign bodies in dogs and cats

It is very common for dogs to eat things they shouldn’t, and sometimes this can get them into trouble. It is less common but still possible in cats, who tend to be more careful about what they…

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Help! Why won’t my dog eat?

Dogs are clever! They will often not eat if they feel nauseous or they have vomited recently. If they have vomited, they are more likely to eat after being fasted for a short time: 2 to 3 hours for…

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What is the best food for my dog?

This is a particularly contentious issue as there are many very strong opinions amongst dog owners. What does make a good dog food? And, how should dogs be fed? This article looks at the different…

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I think my dog has ringworm. What should I do?

Ringworm is a type of fungal infection in the skin. Ringworm infection is caused by microscopic fungi (dermatophytes) feed on the keratin layers of the skin. The name ‘ringworm’ comes from the fact…

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There's a lump on the back of my dog’s neck. What should I do?

Lumps in dogs can occur for multiple reasons and there are a vast array of different types ranging from benign and harmless to highly malignant and potentially life threatening. A lump on the back…

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Seizures in dogs

Seizures are common in dogs, especially in certain breeds where there is a genetic susceptibility to epilepsy. A seizure is essentially a disturbance of normal brain function. This leads to…

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What are dog allergies or hypersensitivities?

Just as in people, the number of dogs suspected of or diagnosed with allergies are growing. But what are allergies and how to recognise them? Keep reading to understand your dog’s allergies better.

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Quick A to Z of common external parasites in dogs

Read our article for a handy overview of parasites that are usually found on a dog's skin.

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Which plants are toxic or safe for your dog and cat?

Adult dogs and cats are more careful in their explorations, but puppies and kittens often take a “chew first, ask later” approach. Read on to learn which plants are harmless and which not.

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What is immunotherapy (ASIT) for dogs?

If you have an atopic dog, you probably came across the concept of ‘immunotherapy’ somewhere. Read our article for a description of it and how to use it for your atopic dog’s benefit!

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What is contact allergy in dogs?

The least common form of allergies, contact allergy is often neglected in online sources of information about your dog’s health. Read our article for what you need to know about it!

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