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Constipation in dogs

Dogs normally pass faeces several times a day. If your dog is constipated, then the frequency with which they pass faeces will decrease or stop altogether. Constipation has many causes and,…

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Pyometra in dogs

Female dogs that have not been spayed (neutered) are at risk of getting a life threatening infection of their uterus (womb), called a pyometra. This infection requires urgent veterinary attention.

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Obesity in Dogs

It is becoming more and more common for dogs to be overweight. You may not worry if your dog is a little round, but even being slightly overweight can affect a dog's health, and even shorten its…

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Lameness in dogs

Dogs can become lame for many reasons, such as a wound, insect sting, sprain or fracture. Other causes include joint problems, such as osteoarthritis. In this article we talk about symptoms,…

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Megaoesophagus in dogs

Megaoesophagus is a condition where the muscular food pipe, which connects the throat to the stomach (the oesophagus), does not function normally. Food and saliva cannot move into the stomach, as…

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Seizures in dogs

Seizures are common in dogs, especially in certain breeds where there is a genetic susceptibility to epilepsy. A seizure is essentially a disturbance of normal brain function. This leads to…

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Kennel cough in dogs

Kennel cough is a common respiratory disease in dogs, caused by a number of bacteria and viruses. Here you can read more about signs, causes and treatment of kennel cough in dogs - and how to…

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Lyme Disease in dogs

Lyme Disease in dogs is a rare chronic inflammatory disease that affects many body systems. Humans and other animals, such as cats, can be infected by Lyme disease too. The vast majority of ticks…

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Demodex mites in dogs

Demodex mite species are cigar-shaped, microscopic mites, which live in hair follicles. Dogs catch these mites from their mothers in the first few days of life. Most dogs will never experience any…

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Conker poisoning in dogs

Conkers are the seed of the horse chestnut nut tree, a very common species in the UK, which are found lying on the ground in the autumn time. Similar to acorns, curious dogs may pick up conkers to…

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Heartworm disease in dogs

Heartworm is a parasite, which is transmitted by mosquitoes. Heartworm infection is much more common in dogs than cats, but it can cause serious illness and even death in both species. Preventative…

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Lungworm infection in dogs

Lungworm (Angiostrongylus vasorum) is a life-threatening disease of dogs. The number of cases in the UK over the last few years seems to be rising. Our vet explains what signs you should look out…

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Intestinal lymphangiectasia in dogs

The lymphatic system is a series of branching vessels, called lacteals, which carry lymph fluid around the body. Lymph fluid carries cells of the immune system and plays an important role in the…

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Dog and cat bites

The mouths of dogs and cats are filled with bacteria which can cause serious infections if a bite occurs. In addition the teeth can penetrate into tissue and cause both superficial and deeper, more…

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Vaccinating dogs - your questions answered

Vaccination is the quickest and best way to protect your dog from preventable diseases. Most of these diseases are caused by viruses, and unfortunately, there is no direct treatment for most viruses…

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Summer dangers for dogs

Summer means that we can be more out in nature with our dogs, especially as Covid-19 lockdown restrictions are lifting. But with the heat, the great outdoors, swimming and barbecues come a number of…

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Eyelid lumps in dogs

When a tumour grows on the eyelid it presents different challenges to other locations in the body. An eyelid tumour may appear as a lump on your dog’s eyelid. There are several types of eyelid lumps…

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Cushing's disease in dogs

Cushing’s disease is one of the most common hormone disorders affecting dogs. At normal levels, the hormone cortisol helps the body to respond to stress and regulates the immune system. It is…

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