
Articles, questions and guides on pet care.

Heartworm disease in cats

Heartworm disease in cats

Heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis) are transmitted to cats by mosquitoes. Cats who travel abroad or who are adopted from outside the UK are most at risk and preventive precautions should be taken in…

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Heartworm disease in dogs

Heartworm disease in dogs

Heartworm is a parasite, which is transmitted by mosquitoes. Heartworm infection is much more common in dogs than cats, but it can cause serious illness and even death in both species. Preventative…

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How to clean your dog's ears

How to clean your dog's ears

Does your dog have problems with its ears and have you been advised to clean them? Here are some tips and advice on how to do it safely and effectively!

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What are the most common ear problems in cats

What are the most common ear problems in cats

Cats are very good at hiding when they are in pain, including hurting because of troubles with their ears. Read our article to learn how to recognise ear problems in cats and what to do about them!

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How to clean your cat’s ears

How to clean your cat’s ears

Now and then your cat may have waxy ears that need cleaning. Not sure how to do it or what to use? Read our article to learn how to do this with the best results.

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How to deal with your cat’s ear infection (otitis externa)?

How to deal with your cat’s ear infection (otitis externa)?

Cats get ear infections much rarer than dogs, though not never. Read our article to learn how to recognise when your cat has an ear infection (otitis externa) and what to do about it.

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How to deal with your dog's ear infection (otitis externa)

How to deal with your dog's ear infection (otitis externa)

Is your dog head-shaking or rubbing at the ears? Are said ears red, itchy or dirty or smell bad? Odds are they are having an ear infection. Read on for what you need to know about how to deal with it!

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Fear of fireworks in dogs and cats

Fear of fireworks in dogs and cats

New Year's Eve and other celebrations are difficult evenings for many animals and their owners, as fireworks and other loud noises can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. Sound related anxiety is…

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How to spot ear mites in pets and what to do about them

How to spot ear mites in pets and what to do about them

Many things cause itchy ears in dogs and cats. One of the causes, particularly in younger animals, and especially in kittens, are ear mites. Find what you need to know about ear mites in our article!

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How to create a safe New Year's Eve for your horse

How to create a safe New Year's Eve for your horse

New Year's Eve and other celebrations can bring mixed feelings for horse owners. Many people will be familiar with their horse’s behaviour. However, it can be difficult to know how they will react…

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How to give your dog or cat a happy New Year

How to give your dog or cat a happy New Year

New Year's Eve, with its promise of celebration and new beginnings, is just around the corner. How about you include your pet too in this opportunity for joy and renewal? Read on for our best tips…

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What are the most common ear problems in dogs?

What are the most common ear problems in dogs?

Noticed your dog shaking their head more, rubbing it on the floor or scratching at their ears? Red, dirty or smelly ears? Keep reading to learn what may be causing this and what to do about it!

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What are aural haematomas of dogs and cats?

What are aural haematomas of dogs and cats?

Although its name sounds very complicated, an aural haematoma is in fact a fairly simple and not that rare condition seen both in dogs and cats. Read on for more about why it happens, how to spot it…

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Heat stroke in dogs - what signs should you look out for?

Heat stroke in dogs - what signs should you look out for?

Did you know that dogs barely sweat? Their main way of cooling down is panting, where heat is lost in the air they breathe out. During hot or humid weather this process isn’t very effective, and…

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When is it time to say goodbye to your pet?

When is it time to say goodbye to your pet?

Making the decision to say goodbye to your dog or cat is the one of the most difficult things that you face as a pet owner. Our animals are dear friends, a family member, from whom we do not want to…

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Are grapes and raisins poisonous to dogs?

Are grapes and raisins poisonous to dogs?

Yes, some dogs are very susceptible to grapes’ or raisins’ toxic effects on their kidneys. Read our article to know more about the issue and how to protect your pet!

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Alabama Rot in dogs - Cutaneous and Renal Glomerular Vasculopathy (CRGV)

Alabama Rot in dogs - Cutaneous and Renal Glomerular Vasculopathy (CRGV)

Alabama Rot is a very rare disease that causes damage to the blood vessels in the skin and kidneys. It causes tiny blood clots which block the blood vessels and can ultimately damage the affected…

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Why is antifreeze a danger to your pet?

Why is antifreeze a danger to your pet?

The antifreeze component added to car and truck engine coolant and other car fluids keeps us safe while driving, but is unfortunately extremely toxic for cats and dogs (and people too, by the way)…

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With FirstVet, the vet clinic and pet shop are only one tap away. Get fast advice, trusted care and the right pet supplies – every day, all year round.


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