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Articles, questions and guides on pet care.

Drooling in dogs and cats

Drooling, or hypersalivation (ptyalism), is the result of overproduction of saliva or the inability to swallow the saliva being produced, or both. Drooling in pets can present as a mild complaint or…

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Intussusception in dogs and cats

Intussusception is an uncommon problem that can occur in the intestine where one part of the gut slides into the next part in a telescoping action. This can cause a blockage or particle blockage…

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What is atopy or atopic dermatitis of cats?

You might know the term ‘atopy’ but might not know that cats can have it too. They do, and it looks different than in people. Read our article about feline atopy for all you need to know about it.

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What is contact allergy in cats?

The least common form of allergies, contact allergy is often neglected in online sources of information about your cat’s health. Read our article for what you need to know about it!

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Eye problems in cats and dogs

Eye injuries are a true emergency! Pet’s eyes can easily become irritated or scratched. Dogs are often in and out of grasses, hedgerows, and crops. Cats often like to climb trees or may pick up an…

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Wasp stings in dogs and cats

Dogs and cats are often curious. They like to investigate or hunt insects, and therefore run the risk of being stung. Most dogs and cats can cope well with a wasp or insect sting. In many cases, a…

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Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in cats

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a term used to describe progressive kidney failure or chronic renal failure in cats. CKD is one of the most common diseases in older cats, although it does not affect…

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Flatulence (farting) in dogs and cats

All animals produce gas in their gastrointestinal tract. It is normally expelled by the body either in the forms of farting from the bottom, or burping (eructation) from the mouth. Some flatulence…

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How to clean your cat’s ears

Now and then your cat may have waxy ears that need cleaning. Not sure how to do it or what to use? Read our article to learn how to do this with the best results.

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What are the most common ear problems in cats

Cats are very good at hiding when they are in pain, including hurting because of troubles with their ears. Read our article to learn how to recognise ear problems in cats and what to do about them!

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Fear of fireworks in dogs and cats

New Year's Eve and other celebrations are difficult evenings for many animals and their owners, as fireworks and other loud noises can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. Sound related anxiety is…

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Can dogs and cats eat gingerbread?

There are many delicious treats during Christmas that tempt both our dogs and cats. But what really happens if our animals happen to ingest one or more gingerbread cookies? Are gingerbread cookies…

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Heat stroke in cats - what signs should you look out for?

Many cats like the heat, but just like humans, they can suffer from heat stroke by staying in the sun for too long. Constant access to plentiful fresh water is essential. Cats do not pant like dogs…

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Long-term diarrhoea in dogs and cats

Loose stools can become an ongoing problem in both dogs and cats. In medical terms, changes to the consistency of stools is termed chronic diarrhoea when it has been present for 2 weeks or more.…

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Top five health problems in older cats

As cats age, they can be more prone to certain age related disease processes. Early detection and management of these age related issues leads to a better quality of life for older cats. Read more…

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How to do an elimination diet food trial for cats

Elimination diet food trials are done in cats both to diagnose and treat various food intolerances or allergies. Read our article to learn how to do one successfully!

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Cats and kittens - from a vet's perspective

In this article we answer some of the most common questions about looking after a new kitten.

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Is saffron dangerous for dogs and cats?

There are many delicious treats during Christmas that tempt both our dogs and cats. But what really happens if our animals happen to ingest saffron, one of Christmas' most popular spices? Is saffron…

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