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Lumps and Bumps on Dogs and Cats

Could my pet have an infection? Allergic reaction? Splinter? Tumor? The answer is YES to all of the above or something else… In this article, we’ll touch briefly on some causes of lumps and bumps or…

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COVID-19 Update: Keeping You and Your Pets Safe

There are definitely more questions than answers when it comes to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2), better known as the COVID-19 virus. COVID-19 has only just turned a year old.…

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A Rover By Any Other Name

Our study of 100 years of American animal records reveals how the nation has named its pets throughout recent history.

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The Importance of Kidney Health and Function in Dogs and Cats

Dogs and cats, like all mammals, have kidneys that perform many vital life functions. Keeping these organs healthy and recognizing early signs of disease can help your pet live a long, happy life.…

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What is the pancreas and why is it important?

The pancreas is a long, flat organ that is located in the abdomen along the small intestines near the right, cranial (front) part of the abdomen. This little organ has big responsibilities in…

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5 Myths About Your Dog’s Digestive Tract

You might think that your dog’s gastrointestinal tract is a lot like yours. But what types of food are actually safe for dogs to eat? And do they really digest food the same way we do? Keep reading…

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Pancreatitis in Dogs

Pancreatitis means inflammation of the pancreas. The pancreas is a vital organ that regulates digestion and blood sugar in the body. Located near the stomach in all animals, the pancreas produces…

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Lymphoma in Dogs

Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphoid cells and typically affects middle age to older dogs. It can develop primarily in lymph nodes or other organs in the body. There are two main types of lymphoma,…

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Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Dogs

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a heart condition where the muscles of the heart get weak and the heart enlarges like a big balloon. This condition is more common in certain breeds, such as Doberman…

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What You Need to Know About Your Pet’s Liver

The liver plays many important roles in your pet’s body. Without a functional liver, your dog or cat wouldn’t be able to properly digest food, filter toxins from the bloodstream, or regulate certain…

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Dental and Oral Anatomy in Dogs

Knowing about the normal structures and appearance of your dog’s mouth can make it easier to notice when something is wrong. In this article, we’ll discuss the important anatomy in and around your…

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Common Liver Diseases of Dogs

Your dog’s liver is a vital organ that is sensitive to damage and disease. For this reason, it’s important to recognize early signs of illness in your dog so that she can be treated quickly.…

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Anatomy and Function of Your Pet’s Eyes

Dogs’ and cats' eyes work similarly to our eyes and can develop similar eye problems like cataracts, glaucoma, and more. Read on to learn some fun and interesting facts about the anatomy of the eye,…

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Anaplasmosis in Dogs

Anaplasmosis is one of many diseases transmitted to dogs by ticks. Dogs, humans and even some farm animals can all contract this disease and, unfortunately, it seems to be on the rise in the United…

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Warning Signs of Cancer in Dogs

There are many signs of cancer in dogs. Most of these signs are known as “non-specific”, meaning they may be present in a variety of disease processes and not specific to cancer. For example,…

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The Dog Digestive System: Anatomy and Functions

Ever wonder how your dog’s digestive system works? Are dogs strictly meat-eaters? Read on to learn about the digestive system, how it works, and the best way to keep your dog’s digestive tract…

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Reverse Sneezing in Dogs

Reverse sneezing in dogs is a rather common occurrence but can be very distressing to witness, especially for the first time! When dogs reverse sneeze, it looks like they’re having a hard time…

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How to Prepare Your Dog for International Travel

Getting ready for an international trip is exciting, but it can also be a busy and stressful time if you’re planning to take your dog along. Preparing your dog for the trip and planning ahead is…

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