A normal sneeze is the forceful expelling of irritating material out of the nose. A reverse sneeze is a forceful inhalation (not expiration) when your dog has something irritating in the back of the nose, sinuses, or pharynx that they’re trying to correct. Dogs will usually have their neck extended forward or up, lips pulled back slightly, have exaggerated forward movement of the rib cage, and will make a snorting-like sound. The reverse sneezing episode can last for seconds to minutes.
There are many potential causes of reverse sneezing in dogs, such as:
You can try to block both nostrils and make your dog swallow. This helps open the upper airway and stop the spasm. Placing a finger over each nostril at the same time for 5 to 10 seconds often works.
You can also try to massage your dog’s larynx. This is the area of the neck just behind and below the jaw.
Most dogs reverse sneeze as a result of allergies or irritants in the air. Limiting exposure to cigarette smoke, candles, diffusers, fire, and other irritants can help.
If your dog is reverse sneezing during their allergy season, a steroid or antihistamine may help. Be sure to discuss this with your vet.
If your pup has nasal discharge, pawing at the nose, is breathing abnormally, or is lethargic be sure to schedule an appointment with your vet for a physical exam and further testing.
If you have a brachycephalic breed that reverse sneezes often, snores or snorts, they may benefit from surgery to correct an elongated soft palate and check for any of the other anatomic abnormalities that may need to be addressed as part of their brachycephalic airway syndrome.
Finally, if your older dog just started reverse sneezing, there is a chance there could be a tumor forming in the upper airway region. Some nasal tumors will make your dog sneeze bloody discharge intermittently. You should schedule an appointment immediately with your local vet if you notice this.
Follow this link to a YouTube video of a dog reverse sneezing
Diagnosing and Treating Environmental Allergies in Dogs
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