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EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency) in dogs and cats

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) is a condition which can affect both dogs and cats, but is more commonly seen in dogs. An insufficient amount of digestive enzymes are made in the gut. These…

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Haemorrhagic gastro-enteritis (HGE) in dogs and cats

Haemorrhagic gastro-enteritis (HGE) is a syndrome where a dog or cat passes diarrhoea and/or vomit containing fresh red blood. Sometimes they can have profuse watery bright red diarrhoea and it can…

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My dog has broken its nail. What should I do?

Dogs may sometimes break a nail when they are out and about on a walk. The dew claw, above the paw, is more loosely attached and is therefore most prone to damage. Although some dogs have naturally…

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How to put together a first aid kit for your dog or cat

You probably have a medicine cabinet at home with medication and stuff for all sorts of mishaps. If you have pets, it’s a good idea to have one for them as well. Check our article on what to put in…

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How to apply spot-on medication to your dog or cat

A lot of medicines for preventing external and internal parasites such as ticks, fleas and worms in cats and dogs are spot-on preparations. Read our article on how to use them safely and effectively!

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Mastitis in dogs - what you can do to help, and when you should seek advice

Mastitis describes inflammation of the mammary tissue (breast tissue) that enables mothers to produce milk for new offspring. Mastitis is painful inflammation or infection of one or more of the…

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What are digestive support diets for dogs and cats and when to use them

If your pet has tummy trouble, changing their food can help their stomach get better. But what should you feed? Read our article to understand what digestive support foods are and how to use them.

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How to give your dog or cat a happy New Year

New Year's Eve, with its promise of celebration and new beginnings, is just around the corner. How about you include your pet too in this opportunity for joy and renewal? Read on for our best tips…

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Vomiting vs regurgitation in dogs and cats - what is the difference?

All pet owners will know that vomiting is a common problem in dogs and cats. However, it is important to know the difference between vomiting and regurgitation. Regurgitation in dogs and cats has…

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Vomiting bile in dogs and cats - causes, signs and treatment

Dogs and cats vomit bile when they have no other food content in the stomach. This could be because there has been previous vomiting, or it may be that they have not eaten recently. Bile and gastric…

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I’ve found a lump on my dog, what should I do next?

Most dogs develop a lump or two during their lifetime. There can be lots of different reasons for this. It is always worrying to find a lump on your pet. Lumps can be something simple, however, some…

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Chocolate Easter eggs and other dangerous temptations for dogs and cats

Easter is here again! Many people are looking forward to eating chocolate and growing new plants this time of year! From hot cross buns and chocolate Easter eggs to daffodils and lilies, there are…

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Which plants are toxic or safe for your dog and cat?

Adult dogs and cats are more careful in their explorations, but puppies and kittens often take a “chew first, ask later” approach. Read on to learn which plants are harmless and which not.

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Feeding your dog or cat a raw food diet - What do you need to consider?

Are you thinking of feeding your dog a raw diet? Read our article to find out all you need to know about raw feeding your dog a raw meat-based diet to help you make an informed decision. Similar…

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What are probiotics? Why and when should I give them to my dog or cat?

Every pet shop out there offers numerous probiotics. But what is a probiotic actually? Does it do anything? How to use it? Read on for what you need to know on gut health and probiotics for pets.

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How to celebrate a safe Halloween with your pet

During Halloween there is a high risk of dogs and cats ingesting toxic food or dangerous objects. Here we share our best tips and advice on how to celebrate a safe Halloween with your pet!

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How not to spend Christmas with your vet: Christmas dangers for pets and how to avoid them

Vets love their patients, it’s not a secret. But sometimes we really don’t want to see them. For Christmas, for example. Keep reading for what you need to know to spend Christmas with your pets…

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Snake bites – learn how to act fast and effectively!

The European adder (Vipera berus) is the only venomous snake that is native to the UK. Adults are approximately 50-60cm long with a brown zigzag pattern along their back and a V or X shaped marking…

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