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Canine parvovirus infection in dogs

Canine parvovirus (CPV) is a highly infectious viral disease that can be fatal to dogs. Puppies between the ages of six weeks and six months, and unvaccinated dogs, are most at risk. Our vet advises…

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False pregnancy in dogs

A false pregnancy usually occurs in an unneutered bitch around 6 to 10 weeks after her last season, or heat, has finished. The signs of a false pregnancy are associated with a hormone called…

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What are dog food allergies?

Everybody has heard of food allergies by now or knows people who have them. Dogs can also get food allergies, but they like to do them differently than people. Read on to learn how to recognise them.

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What is immunotherapy (ASIT) for dogs?

If you have an atopic dog, you probably came across the concept of ‘immunotherapy’ somewhere. Read our article for a description of it and how to use it for your atopic dog’s benefit!

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Vomiting and diarrhoea in dogs

Vomiting and or diarrhoea is one of the most common reasons for a dog owner to seek veterinary advice. Dogs have a habit of eating all sorts of things that they shouldn’t, which can lead to a…

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Mast Cell Tumours in dogs

Mast Cells Tumours (MCTs) account for around 1 in 5 skin tumours, which makes them the most common form of malignant skin tumour in dogs. Some are described as low grade, which means they act like a…

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Water tail syndrome in dogs

Dogs who like to swim or spend a long time in cold or wet weather can sometimes suffer from something called limber tail syndrome. There are many other names for this condition including: cold water…

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Worming your dog - Q&A

How do you know if your dog has worms? And when should you worm your dog? Dogs are at risk of being infected with many different worms, including roundworms, tapeworms and lungworm. They can pick…

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Are acorns dangerous for dogs?

Nice warm weather during autumn encourages us to go for a walk with our dog. The autumn feeling is very familiar: fallen leaves in a riot of colours, shiny conkers and a flood of acorns. Curious…

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Can dogs catch a cold?

Can dogs catch colds? Dogs can, just like humans, get cold symptoms with a runny nose, cough and sneezing. In this article you will learn more about the most common causes of runny noses and other…

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Fever in dogs and cats

Having a body temperature that is higher than normal is usually associated with fever. A fever is typically caused by inflammation or infection. A temperature rise is part of the body's normal…

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Drooling in dogs and cats

Drooling, or hypersalivation (ptyalism), is the result of overproduction of saliva or the inability to swallow the saliva being produced, or both. Drooling in pets can present as a mild complaint or…

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Intussusception in dogs and cats

Intussusception is an uncommon problem that can occur in the intestine where one part of the gut slides into the next part in a telescoping action. This can cause a blockage or particle blockage…

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Fox tapeworm infection in dogs

The fox tapeworm is a type of tapeworm found in Europe, but not in the UK. The tapeworm is found in America, central Asia, Japan and China. Its scientific name is Echinococcus multilocularis. This…

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Which mushrooms are dangerous to dogs?

Read our article to know more about how to recognise dangerous mushrooms, which signs they can cause if eaten by dogs and how to act in case of suspected poisoning.

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What are dog allergies or hypersensitivities?

Just as in people, the number of dogs suspected of or diagnosed with allergies are growing. But what are allergies and how to recognise them? Keep reading to understand your dog’s allergies better.

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What is atopy or atopic dermatitis of dogs?

You might know the term ‘atopy’ but might not know that dogs can have it too. They do, and it looks different than in people. Read our article about canine atopy for all you need to know about it.

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What is contact allergy in dogs?

The least common form of allergies, contact allergy is often neglected in online sources of information about your dog’s health. Read our article for what you need to know about it!

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