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Eye problems in cats and dogs

Eye injuries are a true emergency! Pet’s eyes can easily become irritated or scratched. Dogs are often in and out of grasses, hedgerows, and crops. Cats often like to climb trees or may pick up an…

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Help! My dog has bad breath

Have you noticed that your dog is suffering from bad breath (halitosis) or dental disease (bad teeth or gums)? Dental disease is often picked up at their annual health check by your vet. Dental…

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Blue-green algae poisoning in dogs

Blue-green algae typically grows in lakes, ponds and slow moving streams, as well as marine water bodies throughout the UK. When favourable environmental conditions are present (sunny weather, high…

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How to clean your dog's ears

Does your dog have problems with its ears and have you been advised to clean them? Here are some tips and advice on how to do it safely and effectively!

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What is cherry eye in dogs?

Dogs have a third eyelid which is found in the inner corner of each eye. You may have seen a small, pink triangular piece of tissue flick briefly across your dog’s eye when they yawn? This is the…

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Wasp stings in dogs and cats

Dogs and cats are often curious. They like to investigate or hunt insects, and therefore run the risk of being stung. Most dogs and cats can cope well with a wasp or insect sting. In many cases, a…

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Why is my dog scooting? Recognising anal gland problems in dogs

When dogs drag their bottom along the floor, we often call this commonly seen behaviour ‘scooting’. It is usually associated with irritation of their anal glands, which sit just inside the anus at…

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Help! My dog gets travel sickness

Travel sickness, also called car or motion sickness, can affect pets as much as humans. Any form of travel can trigger travel sickness- dogs may shake, drool, yawn excessively, vomit and in some…

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Flatulence (farting) in dogs and cats

All animals produce gas in their gastrointestinal tract. It is normally expelled by the body either in the forms of farting from the bottom, or burping (eructation) from the mouth. Some flatulence…

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Help! Why won’t my dog eat?

Dogs are clever! They will often not eat if they feel nauseous or they have vomited recently. If they have vomited, they are more likely to eat after being fasted for a short time: 2 to 3 hours for…

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Gastric ulcers and gastritis in dogs

There are many reasons why your dog might be sick or not eat well. Gastritis is common but usually easily treatable. The stomach contains strong gastric acid, which is important in the breakdown of…

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My dog has a swollen face

Facial swelling in dogs can have multiple causes, all of which require veterinary attention. Facial swelling will usually be accompanied by pain and will generally make your dog feel miserable.…

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What is dog flea allergy dermatitis (FAD)?

Dogs can get irritated skin from fleas without being allergic, but flea allergy dermatitis is an entirely separate condition. Read our article to understand it better and learn what to do about it.

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Are grapes and raisins poisonous to dogs?

Yes, some dogs are very susceptible to grapes’ or raisins’ toxic effects on their kidneys. Read our article to know more about the issue and how to protect your pet!

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What a dog's nose can tell us

My dog has a dry, warm nose, does this mean that my dog is sick? Owners often ask our vets this question. The simple answer is that it is not a sign of ill health and can be normal. The main reason…

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Can dogs drink milk or eat dairy products?

When considering whether dogs can drink milk, or eat products containing milk such as cheese, it comes down to whether your individual dog tolerates it in their diet. Milk isn’t bad for dogs as…

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Is chicken dangerous for dogs and cats?

Do you feed your pet chicken? Most dogs and cats love the taste of chicken and it is a favourite for many. However, there are a few safety factors to keep in mind when giving them chicken.

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Hot spots (moist eczema) in dogs

Moist eczema is a description of a hot spot's appearance. Hot spots can occur quickly and then grow rapidly in size. Typically, moist eczema will have a mild clear discharge, the fur feels sticky…

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