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Articles, questions and guides on pet care.

Seizures in dogs

Seizures are common in dogs, especially in certain breeds where there is a genetic susceptibility to epilepsy. A seizure is essentially a disturbance of normal brain function. This leads to…

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Why does my vet want a stool sample from my pet?

Has your vet asked for a poo (faecal) sample from your pet? Have you ever wondered what these samples can tell us? Our vet explains how to collect a suitable sample and what tests can be done to…

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Is my cat drinking too much water?

Cats drink varying amounts of water depending on their diet. However, if you notice that your cat has increased their normal intake, it could be a clue to a number of internal disease processes.…

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Fox tapeworm infection in dogs

The fox tapeworm is a type of tapeworm found in Europe, but not in the UK. The tapeworm is found in America, central Asia, Japan and China. Its scientific name is Echinococcus multilocularis. This…

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Haemorrhagic gastro-enteritis (HGE) in dogs and cats

Haemorrhagic gastro-enteritis (HGE) is a syndrome where a dog or cat passes diarrhoea and/or vomit containing fresh red blood. Sometimes they can have profuse watery bright red diarrhoea and it can…

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Gastric ulcers and gastritis in dogs

There are many reasons why your dog might be sick or not eat well. Gastritis is common but usually easily treatable. The stomach contains strong gastric acid, which is important in the breakdown of…

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There's a lump on the back of my dog’s neck. What should I do?

Lumps in dogs can occur for multiple reasons and there are a vast array of different types ranging from benign and harmless to highly malignant and potentially life threatening. A lump on the back…

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Canine seborrhoea: Why is my dog’s coat oily and smelly?

Canine seborrhoea or seborrhoeic dermatitis is a common skin condition that affects dogs and relates to the sebaceous glands in their skin. The sebaceous glands are associated with the hair…

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Spots on the chin: cat acne and how to treat it

Feline acne, also known as follicular keratinisation, is a common skin condition that usually appears on the chin area. For this reason, it is also sometimes referred to as cat chin acne. Some cats…

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I think my dog has ringworm. What should I do?

Ringworm is a type of fungal infection in the skin. Ringworm infection is caused by microscopic fungi (dermatophytes) feed on the keratin layers of the skin. The name ‘ringworm’ comes from the fact…

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Eyelid lumps in dogs

When a tumour grows on the eyelid it presents different challenges to other locations in the body. An eyelid tumour may appear as a lump on your dog’s eyelid. There are several types of eyelid lumps…

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Eyelid lumps in cats

When a tumour grows on the eyelid it presents different challenges to other locations in the body. An eyelid tumour may appear as a lump on your cat’s eyelid. Eyelid tumours in cats are more likely…

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Feeding my kitten

Kittens have special nutritional needs, unlike puppies, in that they are true meat eaters (carnivores). Getting early feeding right can help your kitten to grow correctly with strong bones and teeth…

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Feeding a puppy

We all know that puppies are not just small dogs and they have different dietary requirements. A puppy’s diet should be tailored to help with growth and development to help build strong bones, teeth…

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Pancreatitis in cats

The pancreas is an organ in the body located close to the stomach. It produces enzymes that assist in the digestion of food and hormones such as insulin that regulate sugar levels. When inflammation…

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Intestinal lymphangiectasia in dogs

The lymphatic system is a series of branching vessels, called lacteals, which carry lymph fluid around the body. Lymph fluid carries cells of the immune system and plays an important role in the…

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Megacolon in cats

Megacolon in cats is a term to describe an abnormality of the colon, which is the last part of the gut before the anus. With megacolon, the colon loses its motility, which is its ability to move…

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What is the best food for my dog?

This is a particularly contentious issue as there are many very strong opinions amongst dog owners. What does make a good dog food? And, how should dogs be fed? This article looks at the different…

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