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Stomach Ulcers in Dogs and Cats

Stomach ulceration happens when there’s a disruption in the stomach’s protective barrier, leading to damage to the stomach’s lining and affecting its deeper cell layers. This causes abdominal pain,…

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Giardia in Dogs and Cats

Giardia is a microscopic, single-cell parasite that can live in the intestine of animals or people. This parasite causes the infection known as Giardiasis. Read on to learn about signs, treatment,…

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Whipworms in Dogs and Cats

Whipworms are a large intestinal parasite in dogs and cats. Dogs often get infected with Trichurias vulpis and cats get infected with T. felis, T. serrata, and T. campanula. Whipworms tend to be…

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Lice In Dogs and Cats

There are 2 main types of lice in dogs and cats - sucking lice and chewing lice. Lice tend to be species-specific, so they tend to stay on their own preferred host. There are rare reports of the dog…

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Chiropractic Care for Pets

Over the years, society’s view of animals has changed dramatically - from working creatures that primarily lived outdoors to family members with their own calendars of activities, beds and specialty…

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10 Facts About Cat Eyes

Have you ever wondered what makes your cat’s eyes different from yours? Or what makes your cat such a great hunter? Keep reading to learn helpful facts about your cat’s eyes!

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Sunburn in Dogs and Cats

Most of us have had a sunburn at some point during our lives. Unpleasant and painful, sunburn or solar dermatitis is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) sun rays when we spend too much time…

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Parasites That Cause Diarrhea in Cats

Diarrhea is a commonly encountered health problem in cats. The severity of diarrhea can range from soft stool to a full-blown watery or bloody diarrhea, depending on the cause. In cats, one of the…

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Stomach Cancer in Dogs and Cats - Symptoms and Diagnosis

Stomach cancers are uncommon in dogs and cats and account for only < 1% of total cancer cases. However, stomach cancers often result in serious illness, and chances of recovery and remission are…

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Cat Hairball Remedies

Hairballs (technically called “trichobezoars”) are more than just unpleasant things to deal with if you share your life and home with cats. These slimy wads of undigested hair can also cause…

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Is it ok to shave your cat's coat?

Cats are known for their grooming behavior. They constantly groom themselves using their rough tongue and are perfectly capable of keeping their coat well-maintained most of the time. This is the…

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Intestinal Cancer in Dogs and Cats

Like with other organ systems, tumors and cancer can also occur in the intestine, and the severity and symptoms usually depend on where the cancer is located. Intestinal cancer is the uncontrollable…

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Allergy Tests for Cats

Cats can suffer from allergies, too. Just like humans, your cat may be allergic to various substances called “allergens” that may be present in the air that they breathe, in their food, and in…

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Pet Medication 101: Pepcid

It’s important to understand a medication’s uses and side effects before giving it to your pet. This medication info sheet is meant to give you a good understanding of what Pepcid (famotidine) is…

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Pet Medication 101: Omeprazole

It’s important to understand a medication’s uses and side effects before giving it to your pet. This medication info sheet is meant to give you a good understanding of what Prilosec (omeprazole) is…

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Pet Medication 101: Carprofen

It’s important to understand a medication’s uses and side effects before giving it to your pet. This medication info sheet is meant to give you a good understanding of what Rimadyl (carprofen) is…

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Pet Medication 101: Metronidazole

It’s important to understand a medication’s uses and side effects before giving it to your pet. This medication info sheet is meant to give you a good understanding of what Flagyl (metronidazole) is…

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Pet Medication 101: Meloxicam

It’s important to understand a medication’s uses and side effects before giving it to your pet. This medication info sheet is meant to give you a good understanding of what meloxicam (Metacam) is…

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