
Cat vomiting diarrhea

Vomiting and Diarrhea in Cats

Vomiting and diarrhea are two of the most common concerns that cause a cat owner to seek veterinary advice. Causes for your cat’s illness may be as simple as a hairball or an upset stomach from someth...

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Scooting in Pets

Why is my pet scooting? Recognizing anal gland problems in cats and dogs

“Scooting” (when an animal drags their bottom along the ground) is a common behavior associated with anal gland problems. Anal glands are found in both dogs and cats. These small scent-producing sacs ...

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Bee stings in pets

Wasp and Bee Stings in Dogs and Cats

Dogs and cats are often curious. They like to investigate or hunt insects, and therefore run the risk of being stung or bitten. Most dogs and cats can tolerate a wasp or insect sting without concern. ...

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New kitten

Tips for Bringing Home a New Cat or Kitten

Planning on bringing home a new furry family member? What can you do to prepare? Here we share our best tips to prepare for your new cat’s arrival.

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Cat - Summer Dangers

Summer Dangers for Cats

Summer often means spending more time outside. However, for outdoor cats, this can pose several risks. In this article, you can read about some of these summer dangers, how to prevent them, and what t...

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Pet First Aid

Pet First Aid: How to Treat Minor Wounds

Cuts, abrasions, and other skin injuries are common in our pets. Treatment options depend on the cause of the injury, severity and size of the wound, and where it is located on the body. Careful asses...

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Canine separation anxiety

Preventing Separation Anxiety: How to prepare your pet for time alone after your COVID-19 Quarantine

Your pets have enjoyed spending extra time with you during the COVID-19 lockdown. As restrictions are lifting and you’re heading back to work, remember that your dog or cat may not understand the sudd...

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Home Pet Exams

How to Examine Your Pet at Home: A Step-By-Step Guide

Performing simple exams on your pet at home is important for several reasons. It can help prepare them for examinations performed by your vet, as well as handling by the groomer or other care provider...

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applying medication dog-cat

How to Apply “Spot On” Medication to Your Dog or Cat

Some products used to prevent ticks, fleas, and worms are applied directly onto the skin. These are sometimes called "spot on" medications. Here you will find tips and advice on how to apply them safe...

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Ear Hematomas-cats-dogs

Swelling of the Ear (Aural Hematoma) in Cats and Dogs

Aural (ear) hematomas form when blood vessels rupture under the skin of the ear flap. This is the most common reason for swelling along the outside of a dog or cat’s ear. Continue reading to learn mor...

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Cat breeds

Choosing the Right Cat Breed for You

Adopting a new cat or kitten is an exciting time for every prospective owner. Having a cat is very rewarding but also comes with big responsibility. It’s important to take some time to research the br...

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Cat Heat Stroke

Heat Stroke in Cats

Many cats like the heat, but just like humans, they can suffer from heat stroke if exposed to extreme temperatures for too long. Easy access to plenty of fresh water is essential. Unlike dogs, cats do...

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pets and corona virus

Can I get COVID-19 from my pet?

There are many questions and concerns about COVID-19 infection. The most frequent questions that pet owners ask our vets are: can my pet get COVID-19, and can humans catch the virus from their pets?

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