Canine parvovirus infection in dogs
Canine parvovirus (CPV) is a highly infectious viral disease that can be fatal to dogs. Puppies between the ages of six weeks and six months, and unvaccinated dogs, are most at risk. Our vet advises…
Puppies - from a vet's perspective
In this article we answer some of the most common questions about looking after a new puppy.
How to treat minor wounds on your pet
There’s probably not a dog or cat alive that has never returned home from their outdoor adventures with a scrape, scratch or cut. Either caught up in a tight spot, on a sharp (metallic) object or…
Lyme Disease in dogs
Lyme Disease in dogs is a rare chronic inflammatory disease that affects many body systems. Humans and other animals, such as cats, can be infected by Lyme disease too. The vast majority of ticks…
Eye problems in cats and dogs
Eye injuries are a true emergency! Pet’s eyes can easily become irritated or scratched. Dogs are often in and out of grasses, hedgerows, and crops. Cats often like to climb trees or may pick up an…
Cushing's disease in dogs
Cushing’s disease is one of the most common hormone disorders affecting dogs. At normal levels, the hormone cortisol helps the body to respond to stress and regulates the immune system. It is…
What to do if your dog has fleas
Every dog might get fleas at some point in their life. They can be a temporary nuisance or a real problem. Read the following article to learn what you need to know to keep your dog free of fleas.
9 Important tips for dog owners during the winter
When it is snowing and cold, there are some things to keep in mind as a dog owner. In this article, we provide useful tips and advice for you and your dog this winter.
How to celebrate a safe Halloween with your pet
During Halloween there is a high risk of dogs and cats ingesting toxic food or dangerous objects. Here we share our best tips and advice on how to celebrate a safe Halloween with your pet!
What a dog's nose can tell us
My dog has a dry, warm nose, does this mean that my dog is sick? Owners often ask our vets this question. The simple answer is that it is not a sign of ill health and can be normal. The main reason…
Can dogs drink milk or eat dairy products?
When considering whether dogs can drink milk, or eat products containing milk such as cheese, it comes down to whether your individual dog tolerates it in their diet. Milk isn’t bad for dogs as…
Why you shouldn’t give chocolate to dogs and cats
Some cats and many dogs would gobble up chocolate if given half a chance. But why is this a problem? Read our article for everything you need to know about it.
Constipation in dogs
Dogs normally pass faeces several times a day. If your dog is constipated, then the frequency with which they pass faeces will decrease or stop altogether. Constipation has many causes and,…
How not to spend Christmas with your vet: Christmas dangers for pets and how to avoid them
Vets love their patients, it’s not a secret. But sometimes we really don’t want to see them. For Christmas, for example. Keep reading for what you need to know to spend Christmas with your pets…
Can dogs and cats eat gingerbread?
There are many delicious treats during Christmas that tempt both our dogs and cats. But what really happens if our animals happen to ingest one or more gingerbread cookies? Are gingerbread cookies…
Is saffron dangerous for dogs and cats?
There are many delicious treats during Christmas that tempt both our dogs and cats. But what really happens if our animals happen to ingest saffron, one of Christmas' most popular spices? Is saffron…
My dog has broken its nail. What should I do?
Dogs may sometimes break a nail when they are out and about on a walk. The dew claw, above the paw, is more loosely attached and is therefore most prone to damage. Although some dogs have naturally…
Help! My dog has bad breath
Have you noticed that your dog is suffering from bad breath (halitosis) or dental disease (bad teeth or gums)? Dental disease is often picked up at their annual health check by your vet. Dental…